Poster board signs are a excellent source of advertising for convenience stores and gas stations. So these low cost poster board signage work great. Also they are very effective at reminding you of products and services that are available for purchase. Vegas businesses will use these foam board signs as point of purchase signs.
These foam board signs are so effective for sales. That many of the vendors like Pepsi and Coca-Cola will actually print their own foam board signs. For the stores and give them away for free in order to increase sales for the store and themselves. Many times, depending on the location and store. The vendor will pay money through bonuses or discounts for the right to even display their foam board signs. So to be placed at a certain location within the store.

What Are Poster Board Signs Made Of ?
Foam core signs are different types. They can be simple as poster signs or vinyl prints applied to a foam core board of different sizes. ( traditionally 3/16 or 1/2, but can be thicker ) And then many times laminated to provide a clear and shiny appearance. ( the laminate protects the print ) Other times, with the use of state of the art flatbed printers. The eco solvent or latex ink is applied directly on the foam core board and laminated . Either application is beneficial as the other and only a trained eye can determine the difference. The cost of the foam core board signs varies from about $7.00 a square foot on the low side to about $12.00 a square foot on the high side.
Many sign shops in the Las Vegas area have the ability to fulfill your requests for foam core board signs. Foam core signs are very popular at the trade shows and conventions in Las Vegas. ( banners being the number one signage) So consequently your signs can be made with the assurance of quality. Local Las Vegas sign stores love them as they make very good point of sale signs.
Foam core signs can be delivered to your convention facility or hotel room. So just ask your poster board sign printing company for more infromation.