Las Vegas 89101 foam poster boards are popular at business presentations and conventions. These temporary professional looking signs are made with foam core boards that are intended for indoor use. Foam core board signs are highly vulnerable to weather conditions, especially water. For outside signs that are disposable, coroplast signs are made for exterior use. As politicians like to use the coroplast signs due to outdoor weather.
Las Vegas foam poster board signs are not very expensive. A 3/16″ thick foam core board sign sells for about $9.00 a square foot and the thicker 1/2′ thick foam core board sells for around $13.00 a square foot in Las Vegas. They are laminated for a professional look. Businessman use these foam poster signs for business presentations. And high schools use these types of signs for proms and school functions. I have also seen these foam poster signs at ” Quinceanera” and Bar Mitzvahs. They usually place a picture of the person who the party is for and also the date of the party.

Las Vegas 89101 Foam Poster Boards Are Used At Conventions
Vegas signs are also very popular at the conventions and trade shows in Las Vegas. Vegas is a very popular place to hold conventions. So many foam core board signs are used at conventions. Since these foam board signs are fragile ( they are made with foam board ) many times the people that are presenting at conventions and trade shows will have the foam board signs made in Las Vegas so that they cannot be damaged while being shipped to Las Vegas. The cost of protecting the poster board signs in wrapping and shipping sometimes will exceed the cost of making the foam board signs. Consequently, it is cheaper to have the foam board signs made in Las Vegas rather than having them shipped in from elsewhere.
Las Vegas poster board sign prices are some of the lowest in Las Vegas. These signs can be purchased at many of the finer sign shops located in Las Vegas. Delivery of your foam display board signs can be arranged to your event venue.