Category Archives: Banners

Banners Can Help Your Company Grow.

Banners are a cheap and effective way to make your company grow. Las Vegas businesses are taking advantage of the increased population ( and the increased driving population) by placing vinyl banner signs at their business location. So then they install them in such a  way that they can be seen by the hundreds of vehicles that pass by their stores everyday. Local Las Vegas stores are having great success with these signs.

Banner Las Vegas

How Are Banners Being Used For Advertising

Las Vegas businesses are taking advantage of banner signs as a marketing method.  By designing them and hanging them on their stores throughout the Las Vegas area. Banner signs are cheap.  And can be purchased at a discount in the Las Vegas area for a couple of dollars a square foot.  So these outdoor banner signs will last a very long time. ( in excess of a year without fading) So they offer a great return for your investment.

Some companies will rotate their banner signs.  So that they are always advertising new merchandise and products in the public view. One very successful café in the Las Vegas area uses small 2ft x 5ft banners to advertise lunch specials to the area workers. This company uses about 10 vinyl banners and simply ties them to a pole in front of his café.  And advertises the daily specials to the workers in the area who patronize him at lunch. So by using these banners he is able to get rid of food that would possibly go bad in a few days for spoilage reasons.  And be able to sell it while it is still consumable at very low prices.

The workers in the area love to be able to take advantage of the specials. So they look forward to reading his banner signs in the morning. So as to determine if they wish to take advantage of the cafe’s food specials.


Banner signs can be purchased at local sign and print shops in the Las Vegas area for very reasonable prices.  And come in all sorts of different sizes. Installing your Vegas banner at your store location is possible. So just ask your local banner printing store for more information.

Fast Banners Are Available in Las Vegas.

Fast banners or same day banner can be your  in Las Vegas.  That is because Las Vegas is the Sign Capital of the world.  The reason that Las Vegas is the Sign Capital of the world.  Is because of all the Las Vegas Conventions and Las Vegas Trade shows that come here require much signage.  As such the Las Vegas community has established themselves a large sign industry.  With all the major sign suppliers in the world being recognized in Las Vegas. Many Las Vegas banner, foam core signs and retractable banner stands are needed for these events. But also many other types of signs.

Las Vegas vinyl banner is just one of the many signs that can be made very quickly in Las Vegas.  Many people travel to Las Vegas and their trade show or convention show signs get damaged.  Or lost on the air plane flights and there is immediate need for  replacement. So as to make sure the show goes smoothly.

Fast Banners Are Available in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Banner

How Are Fast Banners Possible in Las Vegas ?

Las Vegas banner and  speedy signs are available because the sign industry in Las Vegas is very modernized.   Most, if not all, sign shops have large format printers utilizing state of the art technology in making signs and banners.  These large format printers use eco solvent inks and latex inks that are very ecologically friendly.  These inks are made to bring  your colors to life with vividness and luster.  These Vegas banners can be printed in full color and last a very long time.  That is especially pertinent in Las Vegas because of the extreme weather conditions we have.  Las Vegas has a long heat season.  And these banners if hung outdoors need to be able to last during the months of extreme heat.  During the winter, the banners must also be able to withstand windy conditions.


Las Vegas Banners can be yours in Las Vegas at a very reasonable price.  They are easy to hang and can be taken down and be used over and over again with proper care.  Installing your vinyl banners can be arranged as well as delivery to your convention facility. So just ask your local banner printer for more information.

Cheap Banner Vinyl Signs

Cheap banner vinyl signs are a sure fire way to improve business sales in Las Vegas .  Vegas banner signs are being used throughout the Las Vegas area.  As Las Vegas is in a economic slump. Businesses and stores have learned that old fashioned advertising brings the results. These Vegas banners are low cost and produce great results.

Cheap Banner Vinyl Signs
Cheap Sign Banners 

Are Cheap Banner Vinyl Signs Cost Effective ?

Vegas banner vinyl signs is a very cost effective way to advertise a business. Many Las Vegas businesses are putting these vinyl banner signs on their fences and buildings. So in hopes of getting noticed. By the thousands of vehicles and people that pass by their stores on a weekly basis. By advertising their store and merchandise food specials,  they take advantage of the people passing by their locations. This method of advertising equates to just pennies per thousands of people viewing their advertising banners.  Compared to direct mail advertising or radio, this method of advertising is most cost effective.

One café in Las Vegas uses these banners Vegas on a daily basis by advertising their food specials. For example, they may advertise a tuna fish sandwich with chips special for lunch.  And then tomorrow, replace the vinyl banner with another food special banner such as a chicken sandwich lunch special. By rotating the banners, the people in the area always see a new food special and that seems to attract new customers as well as established customers. The vinyl banners can be rotated and saved so that they can be used over and over again. Since they are printed on a high quality vinyl banner material with inks that last in the outdoors, the banners will last for months. Cheap banner vinyl signs come with grommets so that they can easily be hung with string, screws and other common attachment accessories.


Banner vinyl signs are available at sign and print shops in the Las Vegas area. Arranging installation of your Las Vegas banners is easy. so just ask your local banner printer for more information.

Paradise Nevada Retractable Banner Stands.

Paradise Nevada retractable banner stands are a favorite for the trade shows and conventions in Las Vegas.  They can be set up in less than 2 minutes and taken down in the same time. They can be easily transported to a future event with the convention carrying case they come with.  Las Vegas retractable banner stands make for a great visual reinforcement of your sales pitch. You can refer to these signs during your sales presentation. Or you can use the pull up banner stands as a way to attract people to your display booth.

Vegas Nevada banner stands offer affordable visual back up to your sales presentation.  Retractable banner stands are very popular.  Because they can be changed out easily and used for different events and shows.

Paradise Nevada Retractable Banner Stands.
 Retractable Banners 

What Are Paradise Nevada Retractable Banner Stands ?

Banner stands are vinyl banners that are attached to a coil inside of an aluminum housing. So that can be pulled out and made to stand upright with the use of a telescopic pole. The retractable banner stands can adjust to the height of the banner but not to the width of a banner since you are limited by the width of the aluminum housing. The most common size for the trade shows and conventions is the 33 inch x 78 inch model.  They normally sell for $135.00 each.  Which includes the roll up banner stand, the banner and a convenient carrying case. These are also called Tradeshow banner stands.

Las Vegas is the trade show and convention capital of the world.  But more trade shows and events are held in Las Vegas than any other place in the world. The world class accommodations, fine dining, night life, entertainment shows.  Are just some of the reasons why Las Vegas is the popular place to hold your convention or trade show. Accordingly, there is a tremendous support industry that is needed for your trade show and convention signage needs.  But Las Vegas has the ability to design and make your signs on the same day. So as to make sure your special event goes off without any worries.


To find Paradise Las Vegas retractable banner stands near you.  Consult your yellow pages or just do a online search for a Las Vegas sign and print shop.

Delivery of your banner stands, foam core signs and vinyl banners can be arranged to your trade show facility.

Discount Las Vegas Banner Signs Are Available in Las Vegas

Discount Las Vegas banner signs are being used by many Las Vegas businesses in the Las  Vegas area. So as to increase sales and get their businesses noticed. Not only do discount Las Vegas banners increase sales, they act as a way to identify your business. So as to get it noticed. This low priced approach to advertising is bring positive results.

Discount Las Vegas banner signs
Cheap Las Vegas banners

Where Do You Display Discount Las Vegas Banner Signs At Businesses ?

Discount Las Vegas signs are being strategically placed on the outside of businesses ( usually at the top of a building) in order to make them very easy to spot by people driving by. Businesses are placing their products and services on these banners to get noticed. And do they ! But businesses that use discount Las Vegas signs are finding an increase in sales and customer contact.

Many restaurants are placing food specials on the vinyl banners ( pictures of finished food products are no problem). And then letting people know what price they charge for the special. This is drawing in more customers who want a great deal. And also customers who may not have simply known that the café offers that type of food. In any case, cafes are finding out that these cheap Vegas banners are producing wonderful results. They do not cost a lot of money and offer a excellent return on investment.

Auto dealerships are finding that vinyl banners are a wonderful way to sale automobiles as well. They simply put a large banner on a automobile. And park it near the street so it can be noticed by the thousands of people driving by. On the banner they give the car details and the price and entice people to buy it with great success. Businesses that are located adjacent to the freeways are placing even larger banners on the backs of their buildings. So that they can be seen by the thousands of cars that drive the freeway everyday. These businesses have had extraordinary success in using discount banners as a way to improve sales.


Installing your Las Vegas banner at your location can be arranged. Your Las Vegas banner signs store will have more information to assist you.

Fabric Banners Las Vegas

Fabric Banners Las Vegas can help you get that fabric-wrinkle free banner for your backdrop or signage. Many people prefer the fabric banner over the vinyl banner for their displays. The fabric banner ( while more expensive) does not wrinkle.  And comes on a 9oz polyester material.  Whereby a vinyl banner comes printed on a 13 ounce vinyl banner material. Also, it should be noted that the polyester material can snare or rip much easier than a traditional banner. So the life expectancy of the fabric banner is much lower than that of a vinyl banner.  Because any little snare could possibly ruin it when it is hung stretched. However, they look nicer than the Las Vegas vinyl banner.

Fabric Banners Las Vegas
Vegas Fabric Banner 

Where Are Fabric Banners Used in Vegas ?

Many of the corporations that come into Las Vegas for the big trade shows and conventions are only going to use the backdrop banner once and prefer the cleaner look of the fabric banners. They will either get the fabric banner with pockets or sometimes have it grommeted in rare cases. By having pockets I mean letting the banner have a pocket at the top and bottom.  So that a 2″ or so pipe can fit through the banner to support it.  And then again on the bottom.  So that the fabric banner has a weight on it to keep it taught.  So it has no wrinkles.

While vinyl banners printed on a 13 ounce vinyl banner material go for around $3.00 a square foot.  The fabric 9oz  banner sell for around $4.00 a square foot. In all honesty they do look nicer but keep to a higher price.  So please remember that special stands or the ability to hang the banner must be taken into consideration when buying a fabric banner.  Because they cannot simply be attached like a vinyl banner.


Fabric signs Las Vegas are available at many of the finer sign companies in Las Vegas for around $4.00 a square foot. Delivery of your Las Vegas fabric banners can be made to your hotel or event venue.

Outdoor Banner Printing in Las Vegas

Outdoor banner printing in Las Vegas can lead you to that outdoor vinyl banner for your event or Las Vegas business.  Also these outdoor vinyl banners are cheap.  So its an effective way to announce an event or a business merchandise sale. As people drive by the displayed banners they take notice. Especially now a days when their are so many ne residents.

Outdoor banners   is used with large format printers printing directly onto a banner material. ( usually 13 ounce)  Also with eco solvent or latex inks that are environmentally safe and toxic free. These long lasting inks are important. Especially in Las Vegas where the intense heat often shortens the life span of most products.

Outdoor Banner Printing in Las Vegas
Outdoor Banners Las Vegas

Is Outdoor Banner Printing Inexpensive ?

Outdoor banners are cheap and cost effective as a form of advertisement. At around $3.00 a square foot for a full color banner.  You can buy a 4ft x 10ft banner ( which can be seen from far away) for around $120.00. You can place this banner that advertises your business or merchandise on your business building.  And place it on your fence and let it be seen by the thousands of vehicles.  That pass by your location every single day. The traffic in Las Vegas has increased dramatically with all the new residents.

As Las Vegas grows in population.  It is nothing to get 20,000 + cars a day traveling on streets like Sahara or Lake Mead Ave. ( according to the Nevada  Dept. of Transportation ) That’s possibly 20,000 views a day of a vinyl advertising banner that costs less than one hundred dollars. Also these outdoor banners are designed to last well past a year.  Which equates to a fraction of a penny per view of your marketing message.  Many area businesses rotate their banners weekly. So as much like a weekly advertisement you receive in the mail. But at a much lower cost.


Outdoor banner signs are available at sign stores in the local Las Vegas area at very good pricing.  Turnaround time on outdoor banners are usually the next day or two. Installing your banner is easy. So just ask your local banner store for more information.

Fast Banner Printing Services in Vegas

Fast banner printing services are sometimes needed. Many conventions and trade shows come to Las Vegas. So many foam core signs and Las Vegas banners are needed for these events. Unfortunately companies will bring their sign graphics with them. During the travel to Las Vegas, graphics will get lost or damaged. So the Vegas banners and signs need to be replaced quickly. The show will not stop and must go on as planned.

Las Vegas is host to hundreds of conventions a year. People from all around the world attend these events year round. Companies plan for months for conventions and signs are needed for display purposes. But panic sets in when they discover their graphics did not arrive with them. Or they arrived damaged.

Fast banner printing services
Banner Printing Vegas

Fast Banner Printing Services For Lost Convention Signs

Lost convention graphics need to be replaced quickly. So this is possible with the advancement is printing technology. Large format printers print faster with higher quality than ever before. Also, with this technological advance, the price of Las Vegas Banner Printing has declined. These large format printers print full color. Also with logos and pictures. The vinyl banners can be printed in many different sizes. The 4ft x 8ft banner and 3ft x 8ft banner being the most popular banners printed.

Banner printing sign shops are located in Las Vegas. These sign shops that offer same day sign printing can be found close to the Las Vegas strip. So these sign shops can offer quick turnaround. Also being so close to the strip, they offer fast pick up and delivery of graphics to the convention venues. Fast turnaround times are important when graphics need to be replaced just before an event.


Contact your Las Vegas sign shop near the convention venues for more information. The show must go on and sign stores are willing to help you get those same day banners and signs. Delivery of your Las Vegas banners, foam core signs and other signage can be made to your show venue or Las Vegas hotel.

8ft x 10ft Vinyl Banners

8ft x 10ft vinyl banners are very popular at trade shows and conventions in Las Vegas. 8ft vinyl banners seem to be the perfect size to fit in most trade show booths.  And make for a great backdrop to your presentation. So these 8ft vinyl banner signs can help make your presentation very successful. It allows the sales people to refer to them during their presentation.

10ft vinyl banners are full color and can include pictures and logos to help make your background display a success. So state of the art inks and materials are used with these 8 ft. x 10 ft. vinyl banners.   And the colors on these banners are bright and vivid. These colors produce very realistic displays for trade shows and conventions.

8ft x 10ft Vinyl Banners
Las Vegas Big Banners

Are 8ft x 10ft Vinyl Banners Expensive ?

These large banners are not very expensive. A 8ft x 10ft vinyl banner in full color can be as little as about $240.00. This price would include grommets ( for easy hanging ) and hemming if required. You can also elect to have pole pockets at the top and bottom.

8ft vinyl banners also are a wonderful way to display your stores goods and services.  But a large banner makes for a very economical way to advertise your Las Vegas business. Simply design a large banner and hang it on the outside of your store’s building.  So that it can be seen by the thousands of people who pass your store everyday. Businesses in Las Vegas are finding out that if they put these large banners towards the top of their buildings. So they can be seen by the people passing by or driving by.


Many times this strategy is multiplied when they are placed on buildings near the freeway.  So that they can be seen by everyone driving on the freeways. Imagine rush hour traffic and the vehicles are bumper to bumper and everyone is looking around and looking at your banner. So the stores near the 15 freeway and 95 freeways in Las Vegas use this strategy to take advantage of the thousands of vehicles that pass by everyday. Installation of your large banner signs can also be arranged through your local banner printing store.

Banner Prices Las Vegas

Banner prices Las Vegas fluctuate among the banner printing stores in Las Vegas. There are many chain type sign shops that have to charge more money because of all the franchise fees and expenses. The independent banner printers can charge a lot less. So this is also true of sign shops that cater to the conventions and trade shows. They do a tremendous volume and have modern sign printing machines that print faster than ever before. These printers also print at very high quality.

The modern vinyl banner printing machine can print several hundred square feet of full color banner material an hour. But it can do so at a higher quality level than ever before. The new printers utilize environmentally friendly inks that last a long time.

Banner prices Las Vegas
Banner Las Vegas

How inexpensive Is Banner Prices Las Vegas ?

The cost of printing a full color banner in Vegas is about $3.00 a square foot. Some of the banner shops charge up to $6.00 a square foot. But a little shopping around will help find the lower cost sign shops. These sign shops use modern sign making equipment. So a 3ft x 8ft banner costs $72.00 and a 4ft x 10ft banner costs around $120.00. This includes grommets and hemming the vinyl banner on the edges to make it last longer. The inks are eco solvent or latex and last a long time in the desert sun.

These Las Vegas banners can be made in many different sizes to meet your marketing needs. Local Vegas businesses like to place these sign banners on their buildings. So that people passing by can see the advertisement. This is a very low cost approach to advertising that brings maximum results.


Installing your Las Vegas vinyl banner for display is no problem. Your local banner printer can help arrange for the installation of the banner. Delivery to the conventions and trade show venues can also be arranged.