8ft x 10ft backdrop step and repeat banners

Las Vegas 8ft x 10ft Backdrop Step and Repeat Banners

Las Vegas 8ft x 10ft backdrop step and repeat banners are great for trade shows and conventions where you want a large display to show off your company. Big is better, right ? 8ft  step and repeat banner are sure to impress anyone at  your convention booth. Since many of the display booths offered to vendors and companies.  At places like the Las Vegas Convention Center and Sands Expo. have 10ft wide booths.  So these large banners are perfect for the background display in your booth. Potential customers will see your step and repeat banners in the background.  And take notice of your name or logo or perhaps you could list your products.  Also take pictures of your products and place them on the banner.

8ft x 10ft backdrop step and repeat banners
8ft  step and repeat banner

How Can I Use 8ft x 10ft Backdrop Step and Repeat Banners ?

8ft x10ft background step and repeat signs are also being used quite frequently at night clubs for special events. For example, a night club will throw a Halloween party and have a special step and repeat banner on display where patrons can take their pictures against the banner so that they will show off to their friends. This will give them free advertising for their club. The clubs will also use a step and repeat banner so that tourists who come to Las Vegas can take their pictures against the club’s banner to show off where they have been in Vegas. its pretty much all free advertisement that will draw people in the future to their club.

8×8 step and repeat signs can be printed on wrinkle free polyester fabric or regular vinyl banner material in full color. The fabric material is subject to tearing if played with, but looks great as a finished product. The vinyl banner material is much more durable and costs less than its fabric counterpart. 8×8 step and repeat banners and 8×10 step and repeat banners are very popular.


You can order your items in advance and simply pick them up in Las Vegas when you arrive. But you can also have them delivered as well.