Tag Archives: Window Lettering

Store Door Hours On Your Business Door.

Store Door Hours are needed on businesses to let everybody know who they are and what hours they are open. While a large sign on top of the building may be great for grabbing their attention, how does the average person know your hours and other pertinent information ?

Store Door Hours
Vegas Window Signs

What Information Is On A Store Door Hours Sign ?

Vegas window signs usually contain more information that just your business hours. Most businesses put their name, email address, telephone number, a company motto and their hours on their doors. The standard vinyl lettering is usually white, as that color is easy to read off a door glass or window glass. When other vinyl colors are used to show store door hours, they sometimes get lost in shadows, sunlight, and other types of weather and are hard to read. Consequently, most businesses choose white vinyl lettering for their store door hours. In second place is yellow vinyl .

Store door hours and window lettering is very cheap and a great way to communicate with your customers in after hour situations. How many times have we gone to a business or office to have it closed with no additional information. Yet, if the store or office has vinyl lettering on their doors and windows, often we can take down a telephone number or email address and still make the necessary contact with them. The cost of plotting out white vinyl letters for a door or business window is very low. Four or five lines of white vinyl lettering would only cost around $25 or so.  And it is something that you can install yourself with minimal effort. While sign companies charge $75 to $125 for this type of operation.  You can do it yourself for around $25.00

Simply contact a local sign company in Las Vegas or go online and have your white vinyl letters sent to you.  And install them yourself and save money.

Centennial Hills Las Vegas Window Graphics

Centennial Hills window graphics allows a business or store to put pertinent information about their store on their front door glass or windows in vinyl lettering. Most businesses have white vinyl lettering on their doors or windows. So to show their store hours and other information.

Centennial Hills Las Vegas Window Graphics
 Las Vegas Window Signs

Centennial Hills Las Vegas Window Graphics Are Inexpensive

Centennial Hills Las Vegas Window signs are cheap. To design and plot 4 or 5 lines of window graphics is only about $30.00 or so. The usual information on store windows or doors.  Is the company name, company email address and company website. Also the telephone number and store hours of operation.

Centennial Hills Las Vegas window graphics are usually is done in a white vinyl because it is easy to see. if you choose red, blue, black or some other color, it is hard to see because of the shadows on the glass, the glass reflection, etc. The other popular color for window graphics is yellow because it stands out as well.

Window graphics are easy to install. The most important part is to make sure the window graphics are level and even in the window. This is done by measuring the height and width of the window or door and placing the window graphics in the center. Many times, it is easy to mark the center.  So that the graphics are right on the mark. Since the window graphics are vinyl and sticky.  Many people prefer to soap down the window graphics.  So that they slide on the glass and then squeegee out the soap to make the graphics permanently adhere to the glass. This is the easiest and safest way to place window graphics on the door or window glass.

 Las Vegas window signs can be found online or at your local Vegas sign shop.  And can be made in different fonts for your business.

Las Vegas Store Window Graphics Help Business

Las Vegas store window graphics is an affordable way to increase advertising exposure for your business. Simple store window graphics will be seen by the thousands of people who pass by your store location every month. These store window graphics can be as simple as vinyl lettering on the windows.  And more complex like the window vision ( which allows an advertising graphic to be displayed on your window.  But yet allows for you to look out that window)

Las Vegas Store Window Graphics Help Make Money

Most businesses use some version of Las  Vegas store window signs on their store’s windows. It can be as simple as white vinyl lettering on your door to let everybody know your company name and your store hours. It can also be as complex like McDonalds Hamburgers who use their windows extensively. So as a means to advertise their business. It seems every McDonalds uses colorful neon paint on their windows. So as to advertise different food products and window perforated graphics. ( see through window graphics) On their drive through windows.( so the McDonalds employees an see out and you see some form of printed advertisement on the window) This hamburger chain, along with fast food chains like Taco Bell and Burger King, are masters at utilizing their windows for maximum advertising exposure.

Las Vegas window signs can be very cheap, but yet most effective. For example, simple vinyl lettering on your windows for your business door might cost about $25.00 and are easy to install yourself. There are several self help You Tube videos to assist you in installing these types of graphics. More sophisticated window graphics include window perforated graphics that cost around $3.50 a square foot and install much the same way as wallpaper and window tint does. Again, there are You Tube videos available to help you install these graphics.

Contact a local Las Vegas sign shop to see how window graphics can help your business.

Custom Window Lettering Signs in Vegas

Custom window lettering signs in Vegas are perfect for businesses and stores where you want to take advantage of your window glass and market your company. Custom window lettering signs include one of the most popular signs most companies have, the front glass door / front window sign with your company name and hours of operation.

Most stores and businesses use their front door glass ( or adjacent window) to place their company name, hours that they are open and contact information to their business such as website, telephone / fax number. They do this in order to let customers know that stop by after hours or when they are closed when they will be open and how to call them. This allows you to educate your customers and retain them for future patronage.

Custom window lettering signs are usually in white or yellow vinyl. This is because the white / yellow vinyl shows very well against glass, whether it is tinted or not. In Las Vegas, because of the unusual amount of  intense sunlight, glass reflects in the direct sunlight and shade. vinyl lettering colors like black, blue, red, green, etc., will bland in with the glass during certain conditions. Yellow and white vinyl stand out well under these conditions.

It is not expensive for custom window lettering signs. Your local sign store can design and plot your vinyl or you can create your own lettering in design programs such as Adobe Illustrated in vector format. The cost for plotting a door sign in the 14″ wide by 20″ tall range is about $25.00 and can be installed yourself or by a professional sign installer. There are many You Tube videos on the internet that will show you how easy it is and give you specific instructions on how to install your graphics. Contact your local sign store today.