Tag Archives: Sidewalk Signs

North Las Vegas “A” Frame Signs

North Las Vegas “A” frame signs are being used by businesses in North Las Vegas with a large degree of success. Las Vegas sidewalk signs allow for a business to place a temporary sign on or near the sidewalk.  So that they can be seen by people passing by. With the intention of getting your business noticed.

North Las Vegas signs come in a variety of sizes. But the most popular one is the sidewalk signs that holds the 24″ x 36″ inserts. These sidewalk signs come the ability to weigh them down with sand or water.  If they are to be used during the Winter months when the wind blows. They also come in many different colors such as white, black, yellow, red, and other colors. The deluxe model of the sidewalk sign allows for a easy swap out of inserts. Cafes and restaurants love these deluxe sidewalk sign frames because they allow the café to advertise different specials of the day to match the breakfast and lunch crowds. The café can have different inserts designed up and printed and change them out in seconds.

North Las Vegas "A" Frame Signs
Vegas Sidewalk Signs

North Las Vegas “A” Frame Signs Are Easy To Display

Businesses then use these sidewalk signs as temporary signage that is placed near or on the roadway.  So that it can be seen by people driving by. It is important to remember that when driving by in a vehicle.  It is difficult to read the sign if there is a lot of text on it. That is why it is recommended to match the insert to  purpose of the sign. If placed on a boardwalk where many people are walking by.  Detailed information about what you are trying to sell is realistic.  But if driving by at 40mph, it would be impossible to read.


“A” frame signs work and can increase your business when used properly. Contact your local Las Vegas sign store today for more information on these great portable signs.

Increase Your Business With Cheap Sidewalk Signs

Summertime is fast approaching in Las Vegas and smart businesses will be putting out there cheap sidewalk signs to increase business. Many businesses do not put them out during the fall or winter seasons because of the frequent high winds and the winds have a tendency to move the cheap sidewalk signs around.  Many times, to correct that issue, all you have to do is put sand in them and / or water and that weighs them down.  When I write cheap sidewalk signs, I mean cheap in price .  So they are a great bargain for the additional sales achieved.

Are Cheap Sidewalk Signs A Good Way To Advertise ?

Las Vegas sidewalk signs are a great way to advertise your goods and services for sale.  The sidewalk signs can be had for a little amount of money ( under $150.00 w/ 2 custom inserts ) and are placed on or next to the sidewalk in order to attract attention.  So usually no city or county permit is required and you can use them when you want.  They are lightweight and can be handled by one employee.

Sign manufacturing companies like Plasticade and Signcade are the major manufacturers of sidewalk signs.  The sidewalk signs come in a variety of sizes and shapes and are really not that expensive.  Custom inserts can be made for them to advertise whatever your company needs to advertise.

Sidewalk signs also include the terms, “A” frames, scissor signs, sandwich boards, portable signs, etc.  The key is that they sit out in front of your business at a strategic place and get attention.  So getting attention to your sidewalk sign means MORE BUSINESS.

Vegas sidewalk signs can be found in your local business community.  Or online with simple search terms like “A” frames, or sidewalk signs.  Just make sure you watch the shipping charges.  Because they can get really expensive based on where your sidewalk sign is being sent from.

Business Sidewalk Signs In Las Vegas

Business sidewalk signs are being used my smart businesses to increase traffic to their store and increased sales. Business sidewalk signage is temporary signs that allow for easy advertising of the hottest and new products that your store has to offer. These sidewalk signs are easy to set up and move around. And can have the advertisement insert changed out in seconds. This alone makes the business sidewalk signs very popular.

Do Business Sidewalk Signs Come in Different Sizes ?

Business sidewalk signage come in a variety of sizes and color to match the advertising needs of your business. Las Vegas Sidewalk signs are also known as “A” frame signs because they look like a “A” frame when fully displayed. The most common size of sidewalk sign is the one that holds a 24″ wide x 36″ tall insert . Other common sizes for sidewalk signs include the 18″ x 24″ and 20″ x 30″. The sidewalk sings, or “A” frames come in white, black, orange , blue and many other colors to match your stores personality.

Las Vegas sidewalk signs are very easy to set up.  Simply place your sign next to  the sidewalk or pathway and retrieve it when you close. The sidewalk signs are not heavy and are very stable. For windy days, you can place water or sand inside the plastic frames to weigh the sign down.  So as to keep it from blowing over. The inserts change out in seconds and require no special fastener. The newer models have a self retaining mechanism that hold you advertising in place.

Business sidewalk sings are not very expensive. The cost of a sidewalk sign ( with 2 custom inserts to advertise your business) is about $120.00. These inserts are replaceable and are full color, meaning you can have as many colors as you want on the inserts, which includes pictures and logos.

To find business sidewalk signs near you, simply do a online internet search for ” sidewalk signs ” and the search results will lead you to a sign shop that can assist you.

Custom Sidewalk Signs of Las Vegas Nevada

Las Vegas stores are using custom sidewalk signs to increase business. Not only are these custom sidewalk signs cheap, they are easy to design and display.

Stores through out Las Vegas are putting “A” frames, sandwich boards, scissor signs in front of their stores to get customers attention and display the products and services that they sell.

People are using simple design software on the internet or programs like Adobe Illustrated.  And designing there own graphics and messages and then just having a print shop print them. Employees are getting creative with the designs and colors by  doing enticing ads to draw in new business.

Do Custom Sidewalk Signs Require A Permit ?

Custom sidewalk signs normally do not require a permit in Las Vegas. But it is best to check with the city/county to double check.  The custom sidewalk signs are taken out in the morning and then brought in when the  store closes.  Most stores prefer the newer, lightweight plastic “A” frames.  These “A” frames can be filled with sand or water to make them heavier in case there are winds or weather conditions that might make the sign tip over.  The most common size of a custom sidewalk sign is 2feet wide by 3 feet tall.

There are many different types of sizes that are available for sidewalk signs.  Some sidewalk signs hold a 18 inch x 24 inch insert, 20in x 30 in and a few other sizes.  Sometimes, a business will build there own sidewalk sign out of a 4 foot by 8 foot plywood with 2×4 lumber.  This makes the sign very heavy and a better choice if the sign is not to be taken in and out every day.  Instead of putting a coroplast insert into the “A” frame,  businesses use a vinyl  banner and staple or screw it to the plywood.  This way they can change out the sign at will.

Custom sidewalk signs are not very expensive with the average 2ft x 3ft with custom inserts being less than $135.00.  They are ideal for easy advertising and swapping out advertising specials. Contact a 5 star rated Las Vegas Sign Store about inquiries.