Tag Archives: No Trespassing Signs

Clark County No Trespass Signs

Clark County no trespass signs are needed on a property if you are trying to enforce the no trespass law. These signs are required by Clark County in specific language for any action to be enforceable. The Clark County web address, http://www.clarkcountynv.gov/airquality/compliance/Documents/DustControl/DustForms/No_Trespass_Dumping_Sign.pdf is a place to go on the internet to get the information directly from the source. The Vegas no trespass signs are made with the same materials as the Vegas dust signs.

Clark County no trespass signs
no trespassing signs

What Needs To Be On A Clark County No Trespass Sign ?

If you own a piece of property in Las Vegas or the surrounding area.  Especially vacant land.  You will need to have no trespassing signs posted on your property. Also specific language needs to be on the sign. Without this specific language, law enforcement actions can be postponed until such signs are in place. Also, for liability purposes, these no trespassing signs are a good idea. So if someone was to get hurt on your property. You could possibly make a legal argument that they had no right to be on your property.  And they were in violation of the law. Please consult an attorney.

Clark County no trespassing signs are usually orange in color and mounted on an aluminum substrate. So as to prevent the sign from rusting or rotting. A steel sign would most certainly rust in the Las Vegas weather. Also a wood sign has the potential to rot away. Also, you need to use outdoor print inks so that the Las Vegas sun does not fade your sign during the intense hot summers.  The no trespass signs can then be mounted to a metal pole and pounded into the ground or with a wood stake. So as to properly secure the sign from being knocked over or stolen.


Las Vegas No trespass signs are not very expensive. A 18″ x 24″ outdoor sign mounted on aluminum with outdoor inks goes for about $25.00 and can be purchased at local sign or print shops in the Las Vegas Valley.  Search online for a Las Vegas sign shop near you. Installation of no trespass signs on your property can be arranged.

Same day Construction Signs in Las Vegas

Same day construction signs in Las Vegas are available in short notice. Sign companies in Las Vegas are aware that construction companies sometimes need emergency, rush order construction signs. So like warning signs, dust control signs, no trespassing signs and other types of signage.  That unexpectedly comes up. For example maybe a ditch is dug and was scheduled to be filled in before the end of the day. but something came up and now the ditch is exposed and the County Inspector wants signs posted warning people of the ditch.  Fortunately, sign shops like Posterhead Signs can get you rush order construction signs quickly and inexpensively.

Same day construction signs
construction dust signs

Same Day Construction Signs Can Be Made Quickly

Same day signs in Las Vegas can be temporary signs like ones placed on coroplast. ( coroplast signs are made for short term usage and hold up well under weather conditions)  Or can be made on vinyl banner or even a aluminum e-panel type substrate  ( A e-panel substrate is a double sided aluminum substrate with a filler that makes the sign rigid. These signs can be made rather quickly with plotted vinyl or a full color print from a large format printer.

In cases of full color prints, the print would need to be laminated so as to be able to apply to the substrate. Without the protective laminate, the print would not be dry enough to be able to apply to a substrate. Dust signs are also a popular as sometimes they are forgotten with all the commotion of starting a project. As you know, they are required by the Dept. of Environment and Sustainability.   They can shut down your project if you do not have the sign posted or issue fines.


Same day signs can be found at many of the larger sign shops with the right equipment. Do not be fooled by sign brokers who have no equipment and have to hire others to do there work. Installation of your dust permit signs and no trespassing signs can be arranged.

Las Vegas Construction Signs For Building Projects

Las Vegas construction signs are available in Las Vegas Nevada by one of the many sign companies in Las Vegas. Because Las Vegas is the “Trade Show” and “Convention ” capital of the world.  So there are many sign companies in Las Vegas that are able to make Las Vegas signs and Vegas banners.

There is much construction going on in Las Vegas at any time.  There seems to be no end to new casinos being built in Nevada. For awhile, they would tear down a casino and then build another one on the same spot. Theme casinos were in style and they would pay for themselves in a short period of time.

Las Vegas construction signs
Las Vegas construction sign

Are Las Vegas Construction Signs Needed ?

Because of all the construction, many Las Vegas signs were needed.  These construction signs were usually built out of aluminum blanks instead of metal because the aluminum signs would not rust in the Las Vegas weather.  Las Vegas does get a rainy season and monsoons during the summer time.  Therefore, it is important to make the construction signs out of aluminum.

There are many types of Las Vegas construction signs. There are:

1.  Dust Control Permit Signs

2.  Warning Signs

3. Construction Company Name’s Signs

4. Government Regulatory Signs

5. Construction Banners

6. No Trespassing Signs

All of the above signs are made with metal or coroplast substrates except for the construction banners.  The construction banners are usually a mesh material that allows for the wind to travel through the banner instead of pushing against the banner.  These construction banners are popular when there is not a solid surface to mount a vinyl banner to.


Las Vegas construction signs are printed with outdoor inks that are designed to last a long time in the outdoor weather.  As you can imagine, it gets very hot in Las Vegas and the sun heats up the signs and the signs print need to last in these harsh conditions. Installation of your dust control signs and no trespassing signs can be arranged. So just ask your local sign company for more information.

Clark County Las Vegas No Trespassing Signage

Clark County Las Vegas no trespassing signage is needed on vacant land, construction sites and other buildings. So as to deter vagrants and bums from meandering onto your property and taking up refuge. With the huge homeless problem in Las Vegas.  Las Vegas no trespassing signs is needed for deterrence and legal reasons. The Las Vegas Police Dept. cannot enforce no trespassing laws.  Unless the property in question is posted with the correct no trespass signage.

Clark County Las Vegas no trespassing signage
 Las Vegas no trespass sign

Does Clark County Las Vegas No Trespassing Signage Include NRS 207.200 ?

 Las Vegas no trespassing signage also includes the Nevada Revised Statutes Code section NRS 207.200. So as it relates to no trespassing. And also the Clark County no dumping sections relating to unlawful dumping of trash on property. Again, this is mandatory if you wish to have enforcement of no trespassing or no dumping on your property. Many contractors place these brightly colored orange signs on the construction sites. So as to prevent people and vagrants from coming onto the property after hours and pilfering materials.  Vandalizing or dumping unwanted items. These cheap and inexpensive no trespassing signs can also possibly relieve the contractor of liability. So if someone should enter the property unlawfully and get themselves hurt.   By tripping or injuring themselves . The signs are made out of the same substrates as dust control signs.

With increasing liability in today’s society, it makes economic sense to place these brightly colored orange  Clark County no trespassing signs on your property notifying people they are trespassing or illegally dumping. Many times bums and vagrants will enter vacant land or buildings and make it a residence and establish themselves with tenant rights and in order to get rid of them, you have to have legal proceedings against them to force them to leave at a high monetary cost.


 Clark county no trespassing signage is cheap and inexpensive. It can be purchased locally in Las Vegas at area sign stores. Look into no trespassing signs as a way to protect you and your investments. Installation of no trespass signs can be arranged through your local sign company.

Cheap Las Vegas Custom Construction Signs

Cheap Las Vegas custom construction signs are needed by the Las Vegas construction industry.  So many times the construction companies need temporary signage when they are working on a job site. In fact the County of Las Vegas has stepped up its enforcement program.  And is citing construction companies and issuing warnings.  So for those construction companies not in compliance with the numerous rules and regulations.

Many different types of construction signs are available to be made in Las Vegas.

1. No Trespassing Signs

2. Hard Hat Area

3. Dust Control Permit Signs

4. Company Signs w/ logos.

5. County Ordinance Signs

6. Warning Signs

7. Posting Notices

8. Erosion Area Signs

9. Safety Signs

So there are many different types of signs that can be custom made for your construction company. So they  can include your name, company logos and information. But these signs can be made for temporary usage with materials such as coroplast. Also with substrates that are made to last a long time like aluminum. ( aluminum will not rust and fair very well in the different types of seasons in Southern Nevada).  But these aluminum signs can be made in different thicknesses.  So as to comply with state requirements such as .080 for traffic signs.

These signs are full color and can have as many colors as you want printed on them.

Cheap Las Vegas custom construction signs
 Las Vegas Dust Control Signs

What Is a Popular Cheap Las Vegas Custom Construction Signs ?

One of the most popular construction signs made for construction companies are the dust control signs that are mandated by the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability. So These dust control permit signs usually come in one size. So in 2021 the govt decided to save money for everybody and allow just 4ft x 4ft dust signs. They are made with aluminum that is stronger than the old MDO board signs.  And much lighter and easier to work with.


Las Vegas construction signs can be purchased at many of the local sign shops in Las Vegas at very inexpensive prices. So they can be custom made for your company. Installation of your dust signs and no trespassing signs can be arranged.

Las Vegas No Loitering and Trespassing Signage

Las Vegas no loitering and trespassing signage is needed for vacant land and other properties. So to stop people from illegally gathering and trespassing on your property. It is common sense not to go onto other people’s property and  gather.  But signage is needed in order to enforce the law.  The Police officer’s hands are tied when going to a no trespassing call.  Unless the property has the necessary signage posted telling he people they are committing an illegal act. Certain verbiage is required along with the necessary revised statute quote. This information about the Nevada revised Statute can be found at https://www.leg.state.nv.us/ .

Las Vegas No Loitering and Trespassing Signage Come In Different Varieties

Las Vegas no trespassing signs can be made with a variety of substrates. Simple no trespassing sign or no loitering signs can be purchased quickly at Walmart .( https://www.walmart.com/ip/No-Loitering-Violators-Will-Be-Prosecuted-Sign/55416104 ). These signs at Walmart and plastic and will not last a long time in the outdoors, but they will get the job done in a pinch. Longer lasting signs are generally made out of aluminum or MDO boards. These 2 substrates will last for a long time in the outdoor climate of Las Vegas and can withstand the heat and rain.

Also, these signs can be custom made to any size you want which is important if you have a large lot or just a small lot. These larger signs are then placed on the property with 4×4 wood posts or steel posts so that they will not be blown down in the strong winds that the Las Vegas valley experiences from time to time.

No loitering signs and no trespassing signs can be made at many of the sign shops in the area. Also, many sign companies offer these signs over the internet but sometimes are cost prohibitive when you add in the shipping costs. The signs can be made quicker locally.