Spring Valley 89148 outdoor banners are great for advertising for businesses. These large outdoor banners can be made in a variety of sizes and colors to match the needs of your Spring Valley business.
Las Vegas banners are a cheap form of advertising in these challenging economic times. The marketing theory behind the outdoor vinyl banners is that they take advantage of the people traffic that goes by your store every day. Statistics show that hundreds of people travel down the major streets of Las Vegas every single day. These outdoor banners act as a billboard for the people travelling by the store. If they do not see it today, they are likely to see it the next day. Since these outdoor banners last more than a year ( inks are guaranteed not to fade for 3 years) thousands of people are expected to see your banner. Spring Valley 89148 banners cost three dollars a square foot. So a large 5ft x 10ft vinyl banner would cost about $150.00

Local Businesses Like Spring Valley 89148 Outdoor Banners
Smart businesses are using more than one banner and simply rotating the banners every few weeks. So as to advertise new products or services. There is a dry cleaning business that changes out their banners every few weeks. And puts on the banner what item they are currently offering on special. One week it might be bed spreads, next week it might be men’s suits, dresses, etc. The whole idea is that they keep appealing to the masses. And out of the hundreds that view the banner, chances are that many of them need something specifically cleaned. That they are advertising at a low price.
Vegas banners can be purchased and designed at one of the local print or sign shops in the Spring Valley / Las Vegas area. At affordable rates. Take advantage of this great opportunity.