Las Vegas logo table covers and logo tablecloths are being used with increased frequency and the many events and shows in Las Vegas. So while many of the event / shows provide a basic table ( 6ft or 8ft ), the tables are generally scratched and dented and look poorly. Vendors and businesses are placing custom printed Las Vegas table covers and tablecloths on top of the tables. So to make their company name really stand out.

Las Vegas Logo Table Covers and Logo Tablecloths Come In Many Styles and Versions .
Vegas tablecovers and logo tablecloths can be printed any color or combination of colors. These tablecloths can be printed with your logo or company name on the front and sides of the tablecloth. So that people can identify your company from far away as they approach your display.
These custom printed tablecloths can be seen at many events and shows. ( including the convention venues ) Because of their popularity. The tablecloths are easy to set up since they are merely placed over a 6ft or 8ft table. The tablecloths and table covers can easily be cleaned. So by placing them in a washing machine and be used over and over again at many events. They are printed on a polyester material that allows for a wrinkle free appearance. So by placing a few banner stands behind the table or a small banner stand on top of the tablecloth. You pretty much have a display booth that can be set up in less than ten minutes time.
Las Vegas logo table covers and logo tablecloths take just a few days to make. With an average turnaround time of about three days. Your local sign store can help you pick out the best colors to match your logos. And design the table covers to your specifications. Contact your local sign company today. And see how these custom tablecloths can improve your display booth at shows.