Tag Archives: Dust Control Signs

Construction SWPPP Signs and Dust Signs in Vegas

Construction SWPPP signs and dust signs are just a few samples of construction signs needed in Las Vegas. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan , dust permit signs, no trespassing signs, etc. are many times mandated by the different government organizations in Clark County. For example Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability regulates dust in Cark County.  And they enforce dust procedures. One of their requirement is that dust signs be installed on the premises of construction sites.  And the signs themselves are regulated by size, text, font size, etc.. SWPPP signs are regulated by the Storm water Quality Management Committee. So there job is to regulate water runoff from a construction property.

No trespassing signs are not mandated usually, but sometimes they are by Clark County on certain job sites. The no trespassing code is a Nevada Revised Statute NRS. 207.200, but the official Clark County no trespass / no dumping signs also includes Clark County codes 90, 91, & 92. Many times these no trespass signs are required on job sites. Not only for liability reasons, but for security.

Construction SWPPP signs and dust signs
Construction  signs and dust control signs

How Are Construction SWPPP Signs and Dust Signs Made ?

SWPPP signs and Vegas dust signs are generally made with aluminum so that they are sturdy and can withstand the weather elements of the Clark County area. So these signs will be run over at a construction site or have to withstand wind storms. So having an aluminum sign is a good idea to make sure the signs last for the complete construction project. Plastic signs or coroplast signs have a tendency to get blown away in the wind or deteriorate.  And nobody wants a county inspector at the job site asking where the signs are ?  There is nothing worse than to be fined or having a construction project shut down for non compliance by a govt. agency.


Las Vegas SWPPP signage and dust control signs can be made at local Vegas sign shops fairly inexpensively and quick. Turnaround time on these construction signs can be same day in cases of emergency, otherwise its a two or three day period. Installation can be arranged at your job site.

Henderson Nevada Construction Signs

Henderson Nevada construction signs can be made by local sign shops in the Las Vegas area at reduced prices. These construction signs are generally made with aluminum.  So as to be able to last in the different seasons of Clark County Nevada without rusting. There are many types of construction signs needed for the builders.

Henderson Nevada construction signs
Henderson Nevada construction signs

Are There Many Henderson Nevada Construction Signs ?

There are many different signs that constitute Henderson Nevada construction signs. The construction signs include, but are not limited to, safety signs, dust control signs, dust permit signs, no trespass signs, do not enter signs, etc. These signs can be made in many different sizes.

Henderson construction signs are made with different thicknesses of aluminum. Dust control signs and no trespassing signs are being made with a double sided aluminum panel.  With a filler substance that offers the aluminum panel rigidity and firmness. So that it does not allow the panel to bend. This double sided aluminum panel ( even with the filler substrate) is far lighter than the old wood type signs that are subject to weatherization. The lighter panels are more durable and easier to handle and are superior to the old wood construction signs. Aluminum paneled signs will not rust in the outdoor weather of Las Vegas.

Dust permit signs and other types of construction signs are not expensive. The cost of a 4ft x 4ft dust permit sign is about $125.00 and if a larger 4ft x 8ft dust control sign is needed because of the size of the project, the price is $200.00. Further information on dust control signs can be viewed at the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability.   A 18′ x24″ no trespassing signs can help save property from vandalism, it can also help relieve liability.


Your local Las Vegas sign company can answer further questions you may have. Installation of your dust signs, no trespass signs and other signage can be arranged.

Discount Clark County Dust Control Signs

Discount Clark County dust control signs are being purchased by smart construction companies all over the Clark County area. Why pay several hundred dollars for a dust control sign when you can get a discounted price. Dust contrAll Postsol signs are mandated by Clark County. Clark County’s dust sign requirements can be found at this link.

A quick review of Clark County’s website shows that only a 4ft x 4ft dust control sign is needed for construction projects.  ( There are other requirements and restrictions to this simple rule and you should read the requirements and ask questions from Clark County for a detailed explanation)

Discount Clark County dust control signs
 dust control permit signs

How Are Discount Clark County dust control signs  Made ?

Las Vegas dust control permit signs are made with an aluminum substrate.  And then applied with a vinyl application to make sure that they last a long time. A large 10 plus acre construction job will last a long time and a long lasting sign is needed. That is why state of the art inks are used in printing of the sign.  So as to make sure that they do not fade in the extreme weather conditions that Las Vegas has to offer. These inks will last years in the outdoor weather of Las Vegas.  And are mounted on aluminum versus wood or steel. Steel will rust in the outdoor weather.  So wood often gets damaged in the Las Vegas weather and does not hold up well. Aluminum will not rust. A filler panel put between 2 sheets of aluminum gives the sign rigidity.


Clark County dust permit signs are not expensive and can be designed and printed at cheap and discount prices. A complete 4ft x 4ft dust control sign mounted on aluminum with your custom information to your construction project is less than $125.00. Installation can be arranged through your local sign company.

Henderson Nevada Dust Control Signs

Henderson Nevada dust control signs are required by government agencies for certain construction projects. It is mandatory to have compliance and this government decree is backed up with threats of fines and revocations for your construction project. The dust Permit signs can be made by local sign shops.

Henderson Nevada dust control signs
Henderson Nevada dust control sign

Are Henderson Nevada Dust Control Signs Regulated ?

Dust control signs are required to be certain sizes and the text on the signs are required to be certain sizes as well. Generally, it is 4″ letters in height with certain text( like permittee in 2″ letters). Knowing the difference can be difference in a project revocation and licenses pulled.

Vegas dust control permit signs are usually made with an aluminum double sided panel. ( so that the signs lasts and does not rust or get ruined in the outdoor weather) And then the necessary information is printed on  vinyl and then applied to the substrate. The aluminum substrate is them mounted to wood posts or other objects securely.  So that it can be seen easily. The inks that is used for the Henderson dust permit signs is eco solvent or latex inks.  So that the information on the sign does not fade. Many times sign shops without the necessary equipment will use any type of ink to print the signs.  Thinking that it just has to last a few months. But with the extreme heat of Las Vegas.  Long lasting fade resistant eco solvent or latex inks are needed.

The most common size dust control sign is the 4ft x 4ft sign. On certain projects, the sign is needed to be 4ft x 8ft to be in compliance based on the acreage of the project. The 4ft x 4ft dust control sign costs less than $125 and the larger 4ft x 8ft dust control sign costs around $200.00.


Contact your local Vegas sign company for your dust control signs so you are in compliance with government regulations. Installation of your dust control sign can be made by your local dust sign printing sign company.

Construction Dust Sign Printer in Las Vegas

Construction dust sign printer can print and make those dust permit signs that are required by the Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability. So your local dust sign printing shop in Las Vegas can make them fast and cheap.  So that you can be in compliance with the rules and regulations regarding dust control signage.

The local government takes dust regulation very serious.  Because Las Vegas and all of Southern Nevada is a desert. When the wind gets to blowing, a lot of dust will rise into the air and create unhealthy breathing conditions. Consequently, the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability tries to regulate and educate people. About constructing homes and commercial properties. So they learn about the dust that comes off the ground and into the air when they are constructing.

Construction dust sign printer 
Construction dust sign 

What Sizes Can Your Construction Dust Sign Printer Make ?

Your construction dust sign printer will make your dust control sign in a 4ft x 4ft or 4ft x 8ft design. For construction projects that are less than 10 acres.  A 4ft x 4ft dust control sign is required and for larger sites greater than 10 acres, a 4ft x 8ft dust control sign is required. The cost of an aluminum 4ft x 4ft dust sign is one hundred  twenty five dollars.  And the larger 4ft x 8ft aluminum dust sign is around $200.00. Certain information is required on the dust signage such as project name and expiration date. Also the contact information, acreage of project and other pertinent information. The dust control sign needs to be placed in a conspicuous spot for people to see and the Dept. of Environment and Sustainability can help you select the correct spot for your project.


Your Las Vegas dust sign printer needs just a day or two to make your dust sign.  And in cases of emergency. ( where citations and fines are being threatened ) The dust sign can be made the same day. Installation of your dust sign can be arranged through your local dust sign printing company.

Cheapest Construction Signs For Nevada Contractors

Cheapest construction signs for Nevada contractors is a relief for construction companies.  Who are used to paying high prices for signage. After all, why pay retail when you can purchase your custom made construction signs right here locally. Cheap construction signs can get you that dust control sign and SWPPP signs. ( Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ) So it also can get you safety signs and temporary signs and other types of signage quick.  And at a reasonable price. Help with installation can also be arranged.

Cheapest construction signs
Vegas construction signs

Can Cheapest Construction Signs Also Get Me A Dust Sign ?

Cheap construction signs can get you that mandatory dust permit sign at a cheap price. Why pay one hundred and fifty dollars for a 4ft x 4ft dust sign when you can get it for under one hundred dollars.  These dust permit signs are printed on a vinyl application with laminate. So then they are mounted to a premium aluminum board so that they will last a long time. Best of all, these dust permit signs can be made quickly.  Usually with next day service. With contractors and construction sites having increased issues with people entering their premises and damaging work. Cheap signs can also get you that no trespassing sign that the Clark County likes so much. ( the bright orange no trespass /no dumping sign that is written in both English and Spanish)

Cheap construction signs can be made with aluminum substrate.  Or simple inexpensive coroplast can be used to make your sign.  If the sign is only going to be needed temporarily. After all, why pay for premium aluminum when you only need the sign for a week or a few weeks.


Contact your local Vegas sign store and ask them about making you cheap construction signs ( great quality – low price ) and their turnaround times for sign making. Unique signs, installation and help designing your signs can be arranged.

Clark County Las Vegas No Trespassing Signage

Clark County Las Vegas no trespassing signage is needed on vacant land, construction sites and other buildings. So as to deter vagrants and bums from meandering onto your property and taking up refuge. With the huge homeless problem in Las Vegas.  Las Vegas no trespassing signs is needed for deterrence and legal reasons. The Las Vegas Police Dept. cannot enforce no trespassing laws.  Unless the property in question is posted with the correct no trespass signage.

Clark County Las Vegas no trespassing signage
 Las Vegas no trespass sign

Does Clark County Las Vegas No Trespassing Signage Include NRS 207.200 ?

 Las Vegas no trespassing signage also includes the Nevada Revised Statutes Code section NRS 207.200. So as it relates to no trespassing. And also the Clark County no dumping sections relating to unlawful dumping of trash on property. Again, this is mandatory if you wish to have enforcement of no trespassing or no dumping on your property. Many contractors place these brightly colored orange signs on the construction sites. So as to prevent people and vagrants from coming onto the property after hours and pilfering materials.  Vandalizing or dumping unwanted items. These cheap and inexpensive no trespassing signs can also possibly relieve the contractor of liability. So if someone should enter the property unlawfully and get themselves hurt.   By tripping or injuring themselves . The signs are made out of the same substrates as dust control signs.

With increasing liability in today’s society, it makes economic sense to place these brightly colored orange  Clark County no trespassing signs on your property notifying people they are trespassing or illegally dumping. Many times bums and vagrants will enter vacant land or buildings and make it a residence and establish themselves with tenant rights and in order to get rid of them, you have to have legal proceedings against them to force them to leave at a high monetary cost.


 Clark county no trespassing signage is cheap and inexpensive. It can be purchased locally in Las Vegas at area sign stores. Look into no trespassing signs as a way to protect you and your investments. Installation of no trespass signs can be arranged through your local sign company.

Las Vegas Construction Signage

Las Vegas construction signage is needed at construction sites all throughout the Las Vegas area at reasonable prices. Sign companies like Posterhead Signs  are examples of sign companies that can make those needed construction signs for safety and liability.  So the owner Ed has a strong reputation on the area for making quality signs at affordable prices. He can be found at https://issuu.com/edb51.

Las Vegas construction signage
Las Vegas construction signs

What Are Examples Of Las Vegas Construction Signage ?

Construction signage can be temporary or permanent signage. If only a sign will be used for a week or two, it makes no sense it make it with MDO board or aluminum. Coroplast signage works well in these situations and at a lot lower price. If more of a permanent sign is needed, aluminum or MDO board is the perfect choice for your sign needs. So these signs will last a long time in the outdoor weather and can withstand many months of the hot Las Vegas sun. So these signs can be made quickly in just a few days.

Some of the more popular aluminum signs are the dust control signs that are required by law, no trespassing signs that will keep people out and reduce your liability  and perhaps the best of all, the name of your company on a nice aluminum sign so that it can be seen by all the people passing by that you are working on the site. These self promotion signs are very important as it gets your name out into the public view. Many contractors get many referrals when their name and company information is seen on a job that you are working on.


Construction signage can be found at the multitude of sign companies in the Las Vegas area. So by using Yelp or Google.  You can get the information about the sign company of your choosing. So as to make sure you picked the right company. Installation of your dust control signs, no trespass signs and other signage can be arranged.

Cheap Las Vegas Sign Printers

Cheap Las Vegas sign printers can get you that sign or banner printed cheap ! Why pay retail when you can buy wholesale and stretch your advertising budget. In these tough economic times where owners of small businesses are working harder than ever for less pay.  Why not buy quality signs and banners at a lower rate ? Cheap  Las Vegas signs can get your quality signs and banners at a reduced rate. Poster board signs, pull up banner stands, dust control signs and many other signs are available at an inexpensive price.

Cheap Las Vegas sign printers
Cheap Las Vegas sign printing

How Can Cheap Las Vegas Sign Printers Make Signs So Cheap ?

Cheap sign printers can print at low rates because the sign industry has changed. The newer state of the art model large format printers can print faster than ever before with better quality. The newer printers have added more colors than the previous generation of red, blue ,black and yellow. These large printers have added more colors to make colors more vivid and brighter than ever before.  So with the additional colors.  There is a larger spectrum of colors. So as to make your prints more life like than ever before. Also, the printers are designed to print at a higher quality faster than ever before, often exceeding two hundred square feet of print an hour. Thus, the cost of Vegas sign printing has gone down and the more modern sign stores can print at higher quality at lower prices.

Vegas trade shows and conventions are the beneficiary of these advancement in technology as well. Thousands of signs and banners Vegas are printed for the many conventions and the cost of printing these signs has reduced the cost of participating in conventions and trade shows.


Cheap Vegas sign printers are generally located near the Las Vegas strip where there is easy access to the trade show venues for speedy delivery. Contact one of these sign stores today if you need cheap signs and Vegas banners and take advantage of advancement in technology. Delivery of your Vegas signs and vinyl banners can be delivered to your hotel or event facility.

Cheap Las Vegas Custom Construction Signs

Cheap Las Vegas custom construction signs are needed by the Las Vegas construction industry.  So many times the construction companies need temporary signage when they are working on a job site. In fact the County of Las Vegas has stepped up its enforcement program.  And is citing construction companies and issuing warnings.  So for those construction companies not in compliance with the numerous rules and regulations.

Many different types of construction signs are available to be made in Las Vegas.

1. No Trespassing Signs

2. Hard Hat Area

3. Dust Control Permit Signs

4. Company Signs w/ logos.

5. County Ordinance Signs

6. Warning Signs

7. Posting Notices

8. Erosion Area Signs

9. Safety Signs

So there are many different types of signs that can be custom made for your construction company. So they  can include your name, company logos and information. But these signs can be made for temporary usage with materials such as coroplast. Also with substrates that are made to last a long time like aluminum. ( aluminum will not rust and fair very well in the different types of seasons in Southern Nevada).  But these aluminum signs can be made in different thicknesses.  So as to comply with state requirements such as .080 for traffic signs.

These signs are full color and can have as many colors as you want printed on them.

Cheap Las Vegas custom construction signs
 Las Vegas Dust Control Signs

What Is a Popular Cheap Las Vegas Custom Construction Signs ?

One of the most popular construction signs made for construction companies are the dust control signs that are mandated by the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability. So These dust control permit signs usually come in one size. So in 2021 the govt decided to save money for everybody and allow just 4ft x 4ft dust signs. They are made with aluminum that is stronger than the old MDO board signs.  And much lighter and easier to work with.


Las Vegas construction signs can be purchased at many of the local sign shops in Las Vegas at very inexpensive prices. So they can be custom made for your company. Installation of your dust signs and no trespassing signs can be arranged.