Tag Archives: Dust Control Sign

Inexpensive Custom Mesquite Clark County Dust Signs

Inexpensive Custom Mesquite Clark County Dust Signs are available at very good prices by Las Vegas signs shops. The Dept. of Environment and Sustainability Board for Clark County regulates the dust at construction sites . And mandates certain restrictions.  For the purchase of dust signs, go to http://posterhead.com/dust-control-signs/.

Basically, for construction projects, the Air Quality Board mandates a dust sign be placed on the premises. For construction projects under 10 acres, a 4ft x 4ft dust control sign is required and for projects larger than 10 acres, a 4ft x 8ft dust control sign is required. So on the sign, certain information is mandated and also the text. So the size of the text is mandated also. The Air Quality Board requires the following on there mandated dust permit signs:

1. Project Name.

2. Permittee.

3. Dust Control Matters Phone Number.

4. Clark County Dept. of Air Quality Phone Number

5. Dust Control Permit Number

6. Project Acreage

7. Expiration Date of the Dust Permit

If the dust sign does not contain all this information and not in the right format.  So the dust sign is incomplete and enforcement against your project can occur. So this resulting in fines and work stoppage.

Inexpensive Custom Mesquite Clark County Dust Signs
Clark County Dust Signs

How Are Inexpensive Custom Mesquite Clark County Dust Signs Made ?

Signage for dust signs has also improved through time. No longer are the heavy wood signs required. Many sign shops and customers prefer the newer aluminum signs that are weatherproof and will not deteriorate like the old wood style signs. So the newer aluminum signs are tougher, lighter and much easier to work with. No longer does it take 2 people to hang the sign because of the weight, a single person can hang it by themselves and save money. So the cost of dust control signs for Clark County ( Henderson, Las Vegas, Mesquite, Boulder City ) is $125 for a 4ft x 4ft dust sign and $225 for a 4ft x 8ft dust control sign. So these signs can be purchased at local sign shops in the area.

Vegas Cheap Dust Signs

Vegas cheap dust signs are being used by home builders and construction companies in Southern Nevada. The Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability require a dust control sign on the premises of construction sites. This dust control sign and other regulations are required. The Clark County dust people also require a responsible party take a dust class from the county as well. In this class you learn the rules and regulations. Also how to keep the dust out of the air. The desert has a fine dust on the topsoil that when moved around goes into the air. So the good people at the dust department try to teach you how to limit the dust going into the air that we all breathe.

A dust control permit sign is required to be posted on job sites. The dust sign is regulated by the county and must contain certain information. The dust sign must be a minimum of 4ft x 4ft. So it must also contain certain language and text. They want the name of the project, permittee’s name and contact information. Along with other required information. The text size has to be to their standards along with the layout of the sign. The Clark County dust people are very adamant about this. And can shut down your construction site if you do not follow the rules. So they can also issue fines.

Cheap Vegas Dust Signs
Cheap Vegas Dust Sign

Cheap Vegas Dust Signs Are Cheap In Price

The going rate for a Clark County Vegas dust sign is about $125.00. It takes just a day or two to make. The sign company needs the pdf from the County with ll the dust permit information on it. So this information includes acreage, permittee name and expiration date along with other pertinent information. Just email that one page to the dust sign company and they will be more than happy to assist you.

Construction Dust Permit Signs in Las Vegas Nevada

Construction dust permit signs are required by Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability   So as to help regulate the dust going into the air in Clark County . The Air Quality people require one of two signs. A 4ft x 4ft dust control sign for projects under 10 acres.  And a 4ft x 8ft dust control sign for construction projects over 10 acres. These signs need to be prominently displayed on the construction job site.  So the information on the sign is easy to obtain.

Construction Dust Permit Signs Can Be Made With Different Substrates

Vegas dust permit signs are generally made out of two different types of materials, aluminum or wood. While the wood MDO dust permit sign is heavier and more sturdy.  Many construction companies prefer the light aluminum dust control sign.  Since it also seems to happen on job sites the signs get run over or hit by the heavy equipment. ( or shot up with bored workers using them as target practice with their air nail guns. ) So tThe aluminum signs can be straightened out and rehung instead of having to be replaced. So once a MDO wood dust sign is hit by heavy equipment, they usually crack and break in pieces.

In addition, the aluminum signs can be hung by one employee since they are lightweight and can be moved around the job site as needed versus the heavier wood dust permit sign. The cost of the aluminum 4ft x 4ft dust permit sign is under one hundred twenty five dollars ( $125 versus the 4ft x 4ft wood dust sign at $150.00.  The 4ft x 8ft aluminum dust sign is $225.00 versus the wood version at $250.00.

Dust control permit signs can be purchased at local sign stores in the Clark County area and only take a few days to make. So the sign store will need the information off of the Air Quality pdf about the project name, expiration date, acreage, etc.