DOT number vinyl stickers are mandated by the Department of Transportation on commercial trucks. It is illegal to operate a commercial truck without these numbers. Fortunately, US DOT number stickers can be made quickly and economically. These stickers with the necessary numbers can me made quickly. So then applied by a sign professional or yourself to save money.

What Information Is Required On A DOT Number Vinyl Stickers in Vegas ?
Generally, the name of the trucking company, DOT numbers, VIN numbers, MC numbers and GVW are required. However, sometimes additional numbers are required and sometimes less. The key is to have the appropriate size numbers that are clearly legible and easy to read at the required distance. Many truckers make the mistake of customizing the font of the DOT number vinyl stickers. With a hard to read font and find themselves with a ticket for ” fix it “. The law is specifically clear about the numbers are to be easy to read. So please do not make that mistake and make your decal easily readable..
DOT number vinyl stickers are quick and easy to make and do not cost a lot of money. You can install the numbers yourself. And many truckers usually put them on the door or fire extinguisher door. While the height of the numbers must be 2″. The spacing on the numbers can be stretched or tightened. ( as long as it is clearly readable. ) So to fit custom areas on your truck. The Department of Transportation truck numbers can be of different colors. So as they stand out against the color of your truck. For example, if you have a dark colored truck like a black or dark blue. White vinyl stickers would work great. A white truck can have black, blue or even red numbers that are easy to read against the dark colored truck.
Contact your local sign company today like Posterhead Signs. So as to see how they can help you get the proper identification on your truck. Las Vegas signs are available fast and in some cases same day signs are available. Emergencies do happen and sign shops in Las Vegas understand.