Tag Archives: Discount Las Vegas Window Perforated Film

Las Vegas Window Perforated Film

Las Vegas window perforated film is a cheap and easy way to utilize your store windows as advertising. Window perforated film signs ( window vision or one way graphics.) is a printable vinyl that allows you to see outside your store.  While people on the outside can only see what you have printed on the vinyl. It is a great way of using your windows for cheap and effective advertising.

While sometimes the local municipality restrains advertising signs, most allow for window signs.  These window graphics are very popular with local businesses as well as franchised businesses. Places like McDonalds and Carls Jr. use window graphics extensively  to help push their products. You cannot drive by a fast food restaurant without seeing their windows filled with window vision or other window graphics.

Las Vegas window perforated film signs allows you to print advertising on your window but still maintain the use of the window without an unobstructed view. The window signs is printed on and then applied to the outside of the window, much like wallpaper or window tint. In the summertime, it aids in energy savings.  Because it limits the amount of sunlight that can come through the window.  And thus saves cooling costs. The most popular Las Vegas perforated window film is the 60/40 and the 70/30 film. The 60/40 is the printable ratio on the film and the same with the 70/30 film.

Is Las Vegas Window Perforated Film Expensive ?

Las Vegas window sign film costs about $3.50 a square foot. The window vision can be self installed.  And their are many You Tube videos on the internet that can guide you through the installation process. It is not a terribly difficult installation and requires a minimal of tools to install.

Las Vegas window sign film can be found at local sign and print shops in the Las Vegas area. It is a very cost effective means of turning dead window space into store advertising.