Tag Archives: Contractor Signs

Builder and Contractor Signs Las Vegas

Builder and contractor signs in Vegas are available at local sign companies. Las Vegas signs are signs like dust control signs, no trespassing signs and project signs. Also safety signs, etc..  Many of the signs are mandated by government agencies.  And many signs are just for promoting a project or a company. For example, the Clark County Dept of Environment and Sustainability  regulates construction sites for dust going into the air. The dust board mandates dust permit signs on projects where dust is going to be moved. Nevada Division of Environmental Protection regulates water runoff and requires certain signage and regulation enforcements. Substantial penalties can result for non compliance.

Builder and contractor signs in Vegas
Dust Permit signs in Vegas

Builder and Contractor Signs Las Vegas Also Include No Trespass Signs

Builder and contractor no trespass signs are also sometimes regulated by government agencies.  But more common sense for the contractors or builders to place on properties they are developing. With all the homeless and vagrants in Clark County. So it only makes sense to have your construction or building project protected with signs warning no trespassers. Not only do you not want them on your property for safety reasons .( God forbid they get hurt ! ) But also in case they take up some form of residency that requires an eviction. The no trespass signs are a great first line of protection.

Project signs are becoming more and more common in Las Vegas at sites because they let people know what is going to be built and promotes the future site. Contractors like putting up project signs as well because it helps identify them and make them stand out among their competition. These project signs can be any size, but usually they are 4ft x 8ft or larger and on MDO board so that they are heavy and can help withstand the winds that suddenly come up in Vegas during the different seasons.


Builder and contractor signs are available at sign companies throughout the Las Vegas area. See how these signs can help and protect your company. Dust control signs usually take a day to make. Installing construction signs can be arranged through your sign printer.

Contractor Construction Signs in Las Vegas

Contractor construction signs in Las Vegas are very much in demand. Because Las Vegas property construction is booming. Everywhere you look construction companies seem to be building homes. Offices and high rise structures to meet the growth of Las Vegas. Many dust control signs, safety signs and swppp signs are needed by construction companies.

Contractor Construction Signs in Las Vegas
 Construction Signage in Las Vegas

Are There Different Types of Contractor Construction Signs ?

Contractor signs come in many different types. For example, most contractors are required to use dust permit signs for construction projects where dirt is moved. Las Vegas contractors also like to use no trespassing signs for liability and large aluminum signs at their sites for identification purposes. Many contractors get additional referral work of having their names prominently displayed on a  job site. When construction high rise buildings the large construction companies like Martin Harris  like to use large banners.  So as to hang them on the buildings. This quality construction company is a leader in the building field. More information about building and construction can be found at the  Clark County government website.

Aluminum signs are the preferred sign substrate for contractors. Because these signs will not rust and look great. Additionally, the old wood type signs are heavier.  And often times get damaged on the sites when they are knocked around and will crack. With the aluminum signs, they just bend them back into shape and put them back up. The aluminum signs are weatherproof.  So this is especially important if the construction project is going to take a long time. Also, the aluminum signs are cheaper to make and will save the contractor money.


Contractor construction signage can be designed and made in Las Vegas by professional sign companies.  That understand the needs of contractors. Contact one of these sign companies today.  So as to see how they can make your custom construction signs today. Checking with Yelp sign store reviews or Google will help you learn their business reputation.

Las Vegas Builder and Contractor Signs

Las Vegas builder and contractor signs are at new construction sites all over Clark County. Builders and contractors are learning the value of branding their names to the public and getting company recognition for their construction projects. Las Vegas builder and contractor signs come in many sizes and shapes . So as to match the marketing needs of the construction project.

Las Vegas signs are generally placed near the road where the most traffic is.   So that they get noticed by the passing vehicles. many people will look at a construction site and wonder what is being built and that is one of the reasons a builder will place a sign so that they can let people know who is building on the site and what the site is going to look like. An architect will have a rendering of what the finished project will look like. And that is placed on a sign to help draw interest to the project.

Sub contractors also like to have their names before the public.  And will also have MDO wood construction signs on the premises.  While they are working to help promote their companies as well. These signs are generally made out of thick MDO wood. Because they have to be up for a long time and the heavy wood is a great option for windy areas such as Clark County, Nevada. These types of signs can be very large and the exact size can be determined by how close they are to the highway so that they can be viewed. Dust Signs re an example of heavy signs.

Las Vegas Builder and Contractor Signs Are A Variety.

Las Vegas builder and contractor signs also includes safety signs and government mandated signs.  Such as dust control signs, hazard signs of various natures. Also  EPA signs and directional signs, just to name a few. These construction signs can be made out of wood, coroplast, metal, etc.. Depending upon how long they are needed.