Tag Archives: Clark County Dust Sign

Clark County Construction Dust Permit Sign

Clark County construction dust permit sign is required by the Clark County Nevada.  When doing construction and dirt is being moved around. Clark County has strict rules and regulations regarding dust. So information can be found on their website at the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability.   

The Clark County Govt. takes dust very serious. Because the desert topsoil when disturbed will go into the air that we all breathe.

Clark County construction dust permit sign
Clark County dust control sign

How Big of Clark County Construction Dust Permit Sign Do I Need ?

The basic rule of thumb is any project requiring a dust permit sign  requires a 4ft x 4ft sign. So these dust signs can be made with different substrates,  But the most common is the MDO board sign or the aluminum sign. Most sign shops prefer to use the double sided aluminum sign.  Because it is lighter and weatherproof. ( Also, the installation of the sign can be handled by 1 person in order to save installation costs) The other MDO type board sign is the old wood sign that deteriorates with age and is much heavier.  And requires a few people to install. Both signs are about the same in cost.

Clark County dust control permit sign in a 4ft x 4ft design ( print and aluminum) costs around$150 and can be installed easily. The larger 4ft x 8ft aluminum sign ( print and substrate) costs around $175.  Generally speaking, the 4ft x 4ft sign uses 2 posts and the 4ft x 8ft signs usually use 3 posts if the sign is to be mounted independently. Additional prudence suggests additional structural posts in high wind areas. These dust control signs can also be mounted on fences and structures. The signs are made to the specifications that are required by the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability. Certain type font and size are just some of the requirements your sign shop will design your sign to.  So In addition there are restrictions and guides as to where you have to place the dust permit sign.  On your construction premises.


The dust permit signs can be made fast. Installation of your dust permit signage can be arranged. So just ask your dust sign printing company for more information.

Low Cost Las Vegas Dust Permitting Signs

Low cost Las Vegas Dust permitting signs are available in Las Vegas at a low price. These dust permitting signs are required by law and information can be obtained at the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability.  So this govt. agency regulates the dust at construction sites throughout the county. Also they require specific measures in place.

A 4ft x 4ft dust control sign is required for construction projects. These signs need to be on display at the job site.  And even there location on the property being constructed on is regulated by the County.  So the dust permit sign itself is heavily regulated and requires certain verbiage and text size along with information like name of project and name of permittee. Also the acreage and contact information. Just to name a few of the items required on the dust sign. The height and readability of lettering and text is also regulated for dust permit signs.

Low cost Las Vegas Dust permitting signs
 Las Vegas Dust permit signs

How Much Are Low Cost Las Vegas Dust Permitting Signs ?

Las Vegas dust permitting signs are not expensive. So they costs under $150 for the 4ft x 4ft dust control sign. ( mounted on a all weather aluminum panel that can withstand the different seasons of Southern Nevada).  So these signs are made with a tough aluminum substrate so that they do not splinter like the old wood signs.  Modifications can be made to the sign if more time is needed for the construction project. Without having to pay for a whole new sign. Also a simple sticker over the existing sign can be made. So instead of having to purchase a new sign.


Las Vegas dust permit signs can be made very quickly.  So in many cases, the dust control permit signs can be made the same day if the order is made early in the day. Often people need to rush their dust signs.  Because the County is threatening to shut down the project or fine them.  If the proper dust signage is not in place. So contact a local sign shop to get your dust sign ordered today ! Installation of your dust sign can be arranged though your local dust sign company.

Construction Dust Control Signs Vegas

Construction dust control signs Vegas are needed for commercial and residential construction projects in Clark County. The Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability require dust permit signs placed on work sites. Actually there are many requirement set forth by this governing body. The good people at Clark County do their best to try to limit the amount of dust that goes into the air. The air that we all breathe. There is a fine dust on the desert floor that goes into the air. When it is windy or the dirt is disturbed.

Construction Dust Control Signs Vegas
Dust Control Signs

Certain Information Needs To Be On Construction Dust Control Signs Vegas

The Clark County govt. construction dept. requires specific information be on the Clark County dust sign. This information includes the permit number, permittee’s name and project name. Also the telephone contact info for the responsible party, permit expiration date and contact information of Clark County Dept. of Environment. The information allows the public to call the responsible party or Clark County in case their are violations being observed.

Dust control signs are made by printing your dust information on a adhesive sticker. So then it is applied to a aluminum panel ( also called a dibond panel ). The sign is then laminated to help protect the dust sign information against scuffing, scratches and weather conditions. The construction companies like the light weight dust signs. Because one person can install it. Also if it happens to get damaged by construction equipment. The sign can be straightened out and displayed again. The older, heavier wood signs would splinter and need to be replaced.

Your local dust sign printing company can print your signs fast and cheap. The dust signs ( 4×4 ) cost about $125.00 and just take a day or so to make. Contact your local dust sign maker for more information.

Aluminum Dust Control Signs in Las Vegas.

Aluminum dust control signs are mandated by the county, state government for construction. Aluminum dust control signs are necessary to comply with government regulations.

Sign shops in the Las Vegas area make aluminum dust control signs on 4ft x 4ft double sided aluminum.  They print the necessary information required by law on vinyl.  And then apply the vinyl to the double sided aluminum substrate. The double side aluminum substrate is the substrate of choice because of its corrosion protection.  Unlike metal, the aluminum panel will not rust in the outdoor elements of the Las Vegas seasons. Even though Las Vegas is in the desert, we do get rain and the aluminum panel prevents rust.  Special outdoor inks such as eco solvent or latex inks make sure the dust control sign will not fade. So, this is important in the harsh Las Vegas summer.

How Are Aluminum Dust Control Signs Installed ?

The aluminum dust control sign is then placed on either wood posts or metal posts that are secured into the ground.  Simple screws with washers or bolts with nuts and washers securely fasten the sign to the posts. So that it can be placed in a easily viewable area to comply with the law.

Dust control signs are just some of the construction signs that local sign or print shops make in the Las Vegas area. Sign shops also make vinyl banners that can be easily attached to fences and buildings to let people know who is the construction company  onsite. Statistics show that construction companies that prominently display their name on job sites get many referrals for other jobs. Many sub contractors also place small coroplast or aluminum signs on the job site as well to let people know who they are as well.

Dust control signs can be found at your local sign shop or print shops in the Las Vegas area. The cost of a double side aluminum 4ft x 4ft sign is around $99.00.