Tag Archives: Clark County Building Dust Control Signs

Building Dust Permit Signs in Clark County Nevada

Building dust permit signs are regulated by the Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability in Las Vegas. These dust control permit signs allow for dirt to be moved around with the idea of protecting the air from dirt particles. Which is a major source of pollution in Las Vegas. The dust signs allow for contact of the constructors if there happens to be a lot of dust going into the air. It is better to have the public call the construction company regarding concerns. Rather than have the public call the govt. watchdog agencies.

Building Dust Permit Signs
 Dust Control Permit Signs

Building Dust Permit Signs Need To Be One Size Now.

Building dust control signs are made in one size. The 4ft x 4ft dust control sign. Certain text and height of the text is required on the sign. Also information about the job site and contact information. The sign is then placed at the job site in the open.  So that people can view it. The dust signs on printed on a vinyl application with eco solvent inks. ( inks designed to last a long time in outdoor weather. Especially in the hot summer sun of Southern Nevada. ) And then laminated to help protect the sign.

The substrate of sign is either made with an aluminum panel ( with a filler panel to add strength to the sign ) or wood. Many of the contractors like the aluminum sign.  Because often the sign will get run over with a bulldozer or other large piece of equipment.  And can be straightened out and rehung. The wood signs break into pieces.

Vegas dust control signs are not expensive. So an aluminum dust sign that is 4ft x 4ft costs under one hundred dollars. These signs can be ordered through your local Vegas dust sign store and made rather quickly.  Often in just a day or two. Sometimes, in emergencies, they can be made same day if you need to be in compliance. Contact your local Vegas sign store for more information about printing dust signs.