Tag Archives: Cheap Yard Signs

Business Yard Signs Attract New Customers

Business yard signs are a effective way to get new customers and retain existing customers.  Business yard signs are usually 18 x 24 inch, very cheap and can easily be installed and removed.

Many realtors use the 18 x 24 metal or aluminum yard sign as a  real estate sign. However, because of the numbers of listings in the foreclosure short sale market, realtors are using cheap 18 x 24 coroplast yard signs.  They use them once and then throw them away or leave them at the sold residence.

How Are Business Yard Signs Made ?

Business yard signage can be made out of corrugated coroplast or metal.  Many businesses prefer the business yard signs to be made out coroplast because of the ease and low cost.  Also, if one of the workers forget them at a job site, it is not a major loss.  On the opposite side, many businesses prefer a business yard sign to be made with metal or aluminum because they can take a beating, especially if they are to be used in the construction trade.  Workers are constantly throwing them in a work van or truck and they get damaged and scratched quite easily. However, with the aluminum or metal yard sign, they can be re-used versus a damaged or torn coroplast yard sign.

Las Vegas yard signs are used when they go out to a job site to let everyone know that they are on the jobsite.  This is actually an effective marketing technique because many people in the same area have some of the same problems.  This way, the let all the people in the neighborhood who are potential customers know that they fix a common problem.  Many businesses are getting a lot of referral business with these business yard signs.  A full color single sided yard sign of 18 x 24 inch size can be purchased for less than $6.00 in bulk. Cheap yard signs work. And your business should look into this cheap and effective marketing technique.

Your local Las Vegas sign store will have additional information on these great cheap signs.