Clark County Dust Control Class Schedule Dust Signs

Clark County dust control class schedule dust signs in Las Vegas are available at very cheap prices. These signs are required by the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability and there dust class scheduling can be found at the link.

Clark County Dust Control Class Schedule Dust Signs
Dust Control  Dust Signs

Where Do You Get Clark County Dust Control Class Schedule Dust Signs ?

Getting a Clark County dust control sign can be found at These signs are required by Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability.  For the purpose of regulating the dust.  That goes into the air at construction sites when dirt has to be moved. Las Vegas officials take dirt moving very seriously. As it pertains to the air we breathe in the Las Vegas area.

Clark County requires a dust permit sign the size of a 4ft. x 4ft. for construction projects involving 10 acres of land or less. These dust signs are required to have certain language on the sign.  As well as text requirements of size.  For construction projects more than 10 acres, a 4ft . x 8ft. sign is required . The cost of a 4ft x 4ft sign is $125 and the cost of a 4ft x 8ft dust control sign is $225.00. These dust signs are made with a rigid aluminum panel that is lightweight and yet very strong. Contractors like the aluminum sign because it handles the Las Vegas weather very well and it is easy for one person to install.

Also, very often the sign will get damaged during the construction process by a large piece of machinery. ( bulldozer or earth mover). And the sign can be straightened and reinstalled. With a wood sign, it just breaks into pieces. These signs generally take just a day or so to make and be ready for installation.

Las Vegas dust signs and Clark County dust control signs are available at many of the sign shops that make construction signs.

Store Window Advertising Signs in Las Vegas

Store window advertising signs are a cheap and effective way to market to your customers.  And gain customers as they pass by your store and take notice of your Vegas signs. Most cities and local governments allow window advertising without a special permit.  So it is a very cost effective way to get your marketing message across to customers.

Store Window Advertising Signs
Store Window Signs

There Are Many Types of Store Window Advertising Signs

Store advertising signs can be painted on the windows, printed on a vinyl application and then applied to the window or plotted out in vinyl and then applied to a window. Usually around the holidays, businesses might paint their windows a cheerful color and have Santa Claus on their advertising there goods and services. Year round, many businesses prefer to use window perforation.  A printed application vinyl that attaches to the outside of the window. So that allows for people on the outside to see only what you have printed on the vinyl.

Places like McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants use this type of advertising. Because it is cheap and allows for maximum exposure of marketing to entice people to purchase their products. The advantage of window perforation is that it allows people on the inside to see outside. As if there was nothing on the window at all. In Las Vegas, where the summer gets really hot, the window perforation also acts as a window tint and keeps your business cooler. Many other businesses prefer to use plotted vinyl on their windows. So as to advertise and help distinguish their business.

Store window signs work and are a low cost solution to help market your business. Large businesses such as the fast food industry enjoy the privilege of using this type of advertising.  And they are experts in marketing their hamburger and hot dogs to the public. Call you local Vegas sign store for more information about using your windows as advertising.

Construction Same Day Dust Permit Signs

Construction same day dust permit signs can help you get your dust sign fast. So the Air Quality Board in Clark County requires dust permits on certain construction projects. So Clark County Air Quality Board requires a 4ft x 4ft dust permit sign for any project under 10 acres. And a 4ft x 8ft dust permit sign for any construction project 10 acres or more.

Dust Permit Signs need certain language.

The Air Quality Board requires certain text to be on your dust permit sign. So the text needs to be a certain size as well.So it also needs to contain information that helps people understand who is doing the work at the construction site. How to contact the company and more importantly. How to contact the Air Quality Board if too much dust is being raised. So Construction projects are a major source of air pollution. And the good people at the dust permit center try to limit the amount of dirty air that we breathe.

Construction same day dust permit signs
Construction dust permit signs

Cost of construction same day dust permit signs.

The normal cost of a 4ft x 4ft dust control sign is $125. So this sign is printed on vinyl, given a lamination to help protect it and then installed on an aluminum dibond panel ( double sided aluminum panel with a filler in the middle for strength ). Aluminum is used to prevent rust. So the cost of a 4ft x 8ft dust control sign is $225.00 with the same sign making process. So placing the signs on a all weather wood is slightly more and depending on the work load in the sign shop. An additional small fee might be required for same day service.

Contact your local Las Vegas sign store if you should find yourself in need of a construction same day dust permit sign. So they will need the pdf the Air Quality Board sent you with all the pertinent information.

Las Vegas Media Wall Banners

Las Vegas media wall banners are being used at press conferences and special events at a growing rate. Las Vegas banners are very popular and inexpensive. So they are used for special events like movie premieres, grand openings and news conferences.

Las Vegas banners allow for a background banner to contain the logo or name of the event sponsor. So the logos or names are methodically placed on the banner.  So that from no matter what view point, the logo or name is recognizable and is photographed or videoed in the background. This gives publicity to the sponsors name. Imagine if a celebrity like Kim Kardashian had her photograph taken against a background where the name of a company appeared. That company name would be literally be seen by hundreds of thousands of people looking at her photograph. That is a lot of publicity for a company sponsoring an event.

Las Vegas Media Wall Banners
Las Vegas  Banners

Las Vegas Media Wall Banners Are Not Expensive

Vegas media wall banner signs are cheap and inexpensive. The average cost of a matte finish wall banner is around two dollars a square foot. A simple 10ft x 10ft media wall banner would cost around $300.00. The Vegas banners can be taped or fastened to a wall.  Or there is an adjustable banner stand that allows for the banner to be moved freely with little effort. A matte banner finish is always used.  So as not to reflect light or a camera flash like a glossy banner finish would.

Las Vegas banner signs come in a variety of sizes. So it is important to match the size of the media wall banner with the event. So a simple nightclub in Las Vegas that needed a background step repeat banner.  Would probably be able to get away with a 8ft x 8ft size. So a movie premiere with many stars would need a much larger background banner.  So that multiple photographs could be taken at one time.

Clark County Dust Permit Sign Cost For Construction

Clark County dust permit sign cost is $125.00 for a 4ft x 4ft sign and $200.00 for a 4ft x 8ft sign. So anything 10 acres or less requires a 4ft x 4ft dust control sign and anything over 10 acres requires a 4ft x 8ft dust control sign. So the Clark County Air Quality Board requires certain text and text sizing. On the dust permit signs be in compliant with their rules and regulations.

The Clark County dust control signs are printed on a vinyl application with eco solvent inks. And then applied to a dibond type double sided aluminum panel. So the aluminum panel is two sided and has a filler which gives the sign rigidity and weatherproofing. So the vinyl print is then laminated to help protect the print from the weather and scuffing.

Las Vegas dust permit sign cost for a wood sign is slightly higher. The substrate used is a 1/2″ thick MDO board with a special laminate that allows for vinyl sticker adherence. So vinyl sticker will not attach to regular plywood and will come off in a short time. The thick MDO board allows for sticker adherence and a long lasting sign. The Clark County dust permit sign cost for MDO is $125.00 for a 4ft x 4ft and $225.00 for a 4ft x 8ft wood dust sign.

Clark County Dust Permit Sign Cost
Vegas Dust Permit Sign Cost

Clark County Dust Permit Sign Cost For Construction Can Be Same Day

Dust signs can be made very quickly and often the same day for rush jobs. Normal turnaround time is 2-3 days. But sometimes a rush dust sign is needed and Las Vegas sign shops are equipped to make them fast. A small additional fee might be charged depending on job scheduling.

Contact your local sign shop in Las Vegas or Dept. of Environment and Sustainability. For additional information on requirements for dust permit signs and additional information.

Clark County and Las Vegas No Dumping Signs

Clark County and Las Vegas no dumping signs need to be posted on properties where illegal dumping is an issue. Clark County no trespassing signs and Las Vegas no trespassing signs need to be posted before enforcement action can be taken by the appropriate govt. agencies. Illegal dumping is a big issue in Clark County for property owners who have vacant land. Many people and companies illegally dump dirt and debris without thinking of the environmental issues that it causes to another person’s property. Many construction sites are plagued with illegal dumping and trespassing.  As well and require signage to be posted to help stop illegal dumping and aide in the enforcement. Clark County dust signs are made with the same material for construction sites. So this sign material lasts a long time

Clark County and Las Vegas No Dumping Signs
 Las Vegas No Dumping Signage

Clark County no trespassing signs and Las Vegas no trespass signs are the bright orange sign that can be seen from far away that has the codes for dumping and trespassing printed on them. The Clark County Govt. likes to use a no trespassing and no dumping combination for the sign.

Clark County and Las Vegas no dumping signs can be made in many different sizes.

So as to accommodate your signage needs. The two most common sizes are the 18″ x 24″ and the 4ft x 4ft no dumping sign . Both these signs are printed in bright orange.  And can be seen from far away because of their distinctive coloring. The illegal dumping signs are usually printed on aluminum.  So that they can last a very long time in the outdoor weather. They can also be printed on coroplast ( plastic ) for short term usage to save money. All the signs are printed with eco solvent inks. So that helps make the sign last a long time in the hot summer sun of Southern Nevada.  And then laminated to also help protect the print from the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. Contact your local no trespass sign store for more details.

Fast Outdoor Metal Aluminum Signs 2023

Fast outdoor metal aluminum signs 2023 in Las Vegas are used for a variety of reasons. These outdoor signs are made with aluminum to prevent rust or weather damage in the Las Vegas climate. Other metal substrates will rust when exposed to rain and heat, aluminum will not. An aluminum sign makes for a long lasting sign.

Outdoor metal aluminum signs are used for many different reasons. Las Vegas Realtors like to use these signs as a way to advertise commercial property that is available for rent or lease. They place these large aluminum signs in front of commercial buildings to let people know that they are available for sale or lease. These aluminum signs are usually 4ft x 4ft or 4ft x 8ft in size and contain the property description along with the contact information of the realtor. These large aluminum signs are also used for parcels of vacant land since they last a long time and are long lasting. Realtors prefer the 18″ x 24″ aluminum real estate signs for placement in front of residential properties for sale. Most Las Vegas realtors will place these yard sign prominently on the property for sale. It is free advertisement for the property and for the realtor.

Fast Outdoor Metal Aluminum Signs 2023
Aluminum Signs

Fast Outdoor Metal Aluminum Signs 2023 Are Also Used By Construction Companies

Las Vegas metal signs are also used by construction companies on job sites. It is mandatory by the Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability to have dust control signs on construction sites to let people know about the construction dust hazards. These Clark County dust control permit signs are made with aluminum. So that they will last a long time. And also hold up to being ” roughed up” a little by the construction people. Who invariably run over the sign with construction equipment and other heavy objects.

Las Vegas signs are also popular with businesses that place these aluminum signs as a store signs. They simply mount these aluminum signs onto their buildings. With there store name and website or telephone number.

Cheap Vegas Car Magnets For Advertising

Cheap Vegas car magnets are an excellent way for a  business or self employed business person.  To advertise at an  cost effective rate. So these car magnets can be seen by other vehicles driving around your vehicle and pedestrians.

Cheap Vehicle magnets are car magnets that are placed on vehicles .( usually the vehicles doors)  So that they can easily be put on the door and removed in seconds. So these car magnets contain information about the person’s business and contact information. Many times, these cheap Vegas car magnets are used by small business people who use their vehicles for business and personal use. These car magnets are easy to put on and take off and can quickly convert a vehicle used for business purposes to a personal or family vehicle.

Cheap Vegas Car Magnets
Cheap Vegas Truck Magnets

Cheap Vegas Car Magnets Are Inexpensive

Vegas car magnets are not expensive and a pair of 12″ x 18″ car magnets cost about $35.00.  The 12″ x 18″ car magnets seem to be the most popular size, probably because they fit on the majority of vehicles without having to go over a body line or side molding. So placing a car magnet over a side molding would expose it to possibly being blown off the car in the wind. So any gap between the car magnet and body of the vehicle could easily result in the magnet being blown off the vehicle.

Vegas car magnet signs are full color.  Meaning that you can have pictures and as many colors on the magnets as you want. This will allow a real estate sales person to have their company information on the car magnet.  And also their picture. So these cheap car magnets will easily last well over a year on a vehicle.  And will bring you business.

Cheap Vegas car magnets can be purchased at local sign  shops in the Las Vegas area.  At very low prices and offer a great  low cost advertising  opportunity.

Las Vegas Big Discount Banners

Las Vegas big discount banners can assist your business in getting the necessary exposure. So to help it go to another level. Advertising is the key to the game when it comes to getting more business.  And cheap banner advertising is even better when it brings big results.

Las Vegas big  banners will allow your business in Las Vegas to advertise through the use of vinyl banners.  Many businesses are placing these banners on the outside of their buildings to get people to notice them. When you think about it, thousands of people motor by your business everyday. Why not take advantage of this opportunity by putting advertising on your building to attract their attention. It may be as simple as advertising what kind of business you are or maybe advertising your product special. But regardless, putting your advertising on a banner works.

Las Vegas Big Discount Banners
Las Vegas Banners

Las Vegas Big Discount Banners Are Inexpensive

Vegas big discount banners are cheap. For about two dollars or less a square foot, you get a vinyl banner than can be placed on the outside of your building that will last well more than a year. A large 5ft x 10 ft. banner is about $100 and can be seen from far away. Many businesses in Las Vegas near the freeway take advantage of all the freeway traffic by placing vinyl banners on their buildings so they can be seen by the thousands of motorists passing by on the freeway everyday. These businesses find that banners make a great advertising investment as compared to radio or print ads that have a limited viewership and time.

Las Vegas banners can be found at local sign shops in the Las Vegas area at great prices. These vinyl banners are full color and come with grommets so they can be easily hung or attached to a building. Contact a local sign shop to see how these vinyl banners can make your business grow.