Now open banners and grand opening banners are a necessity when opening your store in Vegas. How else are people going to realize that you are now open for business. In the weeks prior to opening. You had workers stocking the business and getting it ready for its opening day. But the public needs to know for sure when it’s going to open. Now open banner signs and grand opening banners are perfect to get the attention of the public.

Now Open Banners In Vegas Are Cheap In Price
Las Vegas banners are not expensive and a very good return on your investment. Store opening banners and grand opening banners can be any size and be full color. Meaning that you could have printed on your custom made banner. Any colors you want along with pictures, logos and people for around $3.00 a square foot. So a 4ft x 10 foot big banner with ” Now Open” or “Grand Opening” would cost only $120.00 . Which would include the options of such things as a picture of the store manager on the banner or balloons, etc.
The Key To Successful Las Vegas Banners
Clear and concise messaging is needed for your Vegas banners. So this means you need to keep your text and fonts simple and readable. People do not want to spend a lot of time trying to read a banner sign. Using pictures and images of top quality are also important. As these pictures represent your company and products. You want positive visual stimuli to attract clients. people do not want to look at pixelated pictures or images that are distorted.
Las Vegas banners are printed on large format printers that can print very fast with bright and vivid colors. These modern day printing marvels have brought down the cost of banner printing the last several years because of their speed. In addition, the inks used nowadays are environmentally friendly and designed to last a long time, even in the hot summer sun of Las Vegas. The Vegas banners are hemmed for perimeter strength and reinforcement. So then grommets are placed on the banner every two feet top and bottom. So that the banner can be securely fastened. All this is included in the $3.00 a square foot price. Contact a Las Vegas banner company today and make your special day of opening your business a successful one.