Las Vegas 89107 banner signs are taking advantage of the increased motor traffic on the streets of Las Vegas. By placing large Vegas banner signs on the buildings. So that they an be seen be the thousands of motor vehicles that travel the streets of Las Vegas everyday. These banner signs act as a small billboard and will get your business noticed. Just a short drive around Las Vegas. Will allow for observance of all the businesses taking advantage of this low cost marketing method of advertising. These Vegas vinyl banners can be printed in many different sizes to meet your advertising needs.

Are Las Vegas 89107 Banner Signs Expensive ?
Las Vegas banner signs are cheap in cost. They are made with a 13 ounce banner material and printed on using eco solvent or latex inks that are designed for long lasting performance. The inks are environmentally and ecologically friendly and are designed to last up to 3 years, even in the hot Las Vegas sun. The banners come with grommets that are placed approx. every 24 ” at the top and bottom. The average price of Las Vegas 89107 banner signs is about $3.00 a square foot.
When hanging Las Vegas banner signs. It is important to make sure the banner sign is stretched out and looses before hanging. This can happen by placing the banner in the sun for 20 minutes or so. This allows for a stretched banner to be hung properly. Otherwise a cold banner that will stretch once its hung and then sag, leaving wrinkles in the banner.
Las Vegas vinyl banners will definitely get your business noticed for a fraction of print ads. Many businesses are using weekly mailer coupons in the mail to attract business but are spending thousands of dollars to do so. A much more economically feasible approach is to place vinyl banners on your buildings to get your business noticed.
Las Vegas 89107 banners can be designed and purchased at your local sign shops in Las Vegas or ordered online. Installation of your Las Vegas banners can be arranged. So just ask your local banner printing company for more information.