Store door glass lettering and signage

Store Window Lettering Is Cheap and Easy.

Store window lettering is a cheap and effective way to increase sales for your store. Most Las Vegas businesses do no take advantage of the store’s windows other than using them for a sign that denotes your “open” or ” closed”. Store sign lettering offers an affordable way to advertise more products  and services . The best part is that most government ordinances do not regulate what advertising you can put on your windows. You do not have to pay fees or get approval for your store window lettering from the government . Signs on the windows can also show your hours and contact information.

Store window lettering
Store glass lettering

Are Store Window Lettering Expensive ?

Store window signs can be very inexpensive as it only requires using your windows as a form of advertisement.  Simple plotted  vinyl lettering can be used or you can also use window painting to deliver your advertising message. Many top companies like McDonalds and Carls Jr. use store window lettering to the utmost perfection.  It seems in LAs Vegas you cannot drive by a McDonalds or Carls Jr. without seeing their windows used as a billboard plying their hamburger prices or new products on the windows.  At the drive thru, they always have a reminder on the window about a desert or beverage you can purchase at the last moment from the cashier.  They employ these marketing techniques because they are very effective.


The cost of plotted vinyl lettering for your store windows would range from $10 to $40 for the most part. If you wanted to, you could also use window vision on your windows. Window vision, or see through window graphics, allows you to print on the material which allows you to see out, but only allows the customer to see what you printed on the window when they are looking in from the outside. It is more expensive and averages about $3.50 a square foot.  Installation is easy , as it is much like installing wall paper or window tint. So contact your local sign  printing company for more information