Clark County no trespass signs

Clark County No Trespass Signs

Clark County no trespass signs are needed on a property if you are trying to enforce the no trespass law. These signs are required by Clark County in specific language for any action to be enforceable. The Clark County web address, is a place to go on the internet to get the information directly from the source. The Vegas no trespass signs are made with the same materials as the Vegas dust signs.

Clark County no trespass signs
no trespassing signs

What Needs To Be On A Clark County No Trespass Sign ?

If you own a piece of property in Las Vegas or the surrounding area.  Especially vacant land.  You will need to have no trespassing signs posted on your property. Also specific language needs to be on the sign. Without this specific language, law enforcement actions can be postponed until such signs are in place. Also, for liability purposes, these no trespassing signs are a good idea. So if someone was to get hurt on your property. You could possibly make a legal argument that they had no right to be on your property.  And they were in violation of the law. Please consult an attorney.

Clark County no trespassing signs are usually orange in color and mounted on an aluminum substrate. So as to prevent the sign from rusting or rotting. A steel sign would most certainly rust in the Las Vegas weather. Also a wood sign has the potential to rot away. Also, you need to use outdoor print inks so that the Las Vegas sun does not fade your sign during the intense hot summers.  The no trespass signs can then be mounted to a metal pole and pounded into the ground or with a wood stake. So as to properly secure the sign from being knocked over or stolen.


Las Vegas No trespass signs are not very expensive. A 18″ x 24″ outdoor sign mounted on aluminum with outdoor inks goes for about $25.00 and can be purchased at local sign or print shops in the Las Vegas Valley.  Search online for a Las Vegas sign shop near you. Installation of no trespass signs on your property can be arranged.