Cheapest Las Vegas Signs Promote Business.

Las Vegas Discount Poster Banners

Las Vegas discount poster banners will get your business noticed and that means more money for you. Advertising with Las Vegas posters are an affordable and cheap way to get distinction.  From your competition and get noticed. So these Las Vegas banners come in a variety of sizes.

Many smart businesses are taking advantage of the increased traffic flows in Las Vegas.  By realizing that with the increase in population in Las Vegas comes increased traffic. So that means it takes more time to travel in the city.  And therefore people are spending more time on the roads. These roads pass your business and with a poster banner on your store.  People are bound to see it while they travel by.

Las Vegas discount poster banners
Las Vegas banners

Are Las Vegas Discount Poster Banners Expensive ?

Las Vegas poster banners are not expensive. A custom made banner goes for around $3.00 a square foot and can include logos, pictures and be in full color .( meaning you can have as many colors on the vinyl poster banner as you want ) So these Vegas banners will come with grommets and be hemmed at the edges for reinforcement. The inks used on these banners are eco solvent.  Which lasts a long time in the hot summer sun of Las Vegas. ( Don’t be fooled by a lower cost banner printed with cheaper inks that will quickly fade in the sun) But getting a few years out of a outdoor vinyl banner is no problem when hung properly.

These poster banners are printed with state of the art digital wide format printers.  That can print at amazing speeds with great quality. Consequently the cost of printing these banners has gone down with the advanced technological changes in the sign print industry. So printing full color with pictures are no problem for these large format printers.


Contact a Las Vegas banner printing shop today. So as to find out how low cost poster banners can assist your business into becoming more competitive. You will be very glad you did. Your banner printing shop can arrange for installation and help with designing.