backdrop step and repeat banner printer

Step and Repeat Banner Stands In Las Vegas

Step and repeat banner stands are available for night clubs, parties, birthday parties, and other special events. Step and repeat banners are very popular.  Because they allow for a person to have a picture taken against a background. So that it will remind them of the event. Since Las Vegas is a tourist city, many people want to take souvenir photos of themselves against a backdrop.  So that will remind them that they were in beautiful Las Vegas. So then the people back home go to the same locations and take their selfies.

Step and repeat banner stands
Step and repeat banner stands

How Are Step and Repeat Banner Stands Made ?

What are step and repeat banners ? They are basically a vinyl 13 ounce banner material in a matte finish. Which allows for photos to be taken without the flash reflecting off the material. So that have a pattern of logos / texts/ pictures placed on them so that from any angle.  A picture can be taken of a person and the logos/pictures/text will be visible in the background of the photo. Many night clubs use this type of background banners.  So that tourists can take pictures of themselves and show themselves off at various nightclubs and places.

Step and repeat banners with stand are also very popular at birthday parties. The birthday person puts their picture on the banner and other types of things that are fun and people take pictures of themselves as a reminder of the party. Many times, a step and repeat banner stand is brought in so that the banner can be hung very easily on an adjustable stand that holds the banner. These adjustable tube stands come with a portable carrying case and very easy to set up and are a minimal cost. A step and repeat banner stand costs around $100 and the step and repeat banner itself goes in the neighborhood of about $3.00 a square foot for a full color banner. These banners Las Vegas  and banner stands Vegas can be found at local Las Vegas sign shops.