Same Day Signs 89109

Upright Banner Stands For Conventions

Upright banner stands are used primarily at Las Vegas conventions and trade shows. They are also used for indoor display where space is limited and compact graphic designs are needed. Stand up banner stands are also known as retractable banner stands. These signs can be moved around very easily.

Upright Banner Stands
Stand Up Banner Stand Las Vegas

Upright Banner Stands Come in Many Sizes

Las Vegas banner stands come in a variety of sizes. The most affordable is the x stand banner stand followed up by the retractable banner stand. So they both have similarities but yet both are different. Both allow for a vertical or upright banner display that is very easy to set up and take down. Both are compact in that they retract or take apart and fit into a convenient carrying case. They are different in that the x stand banner stand fits one size. ( the size that the design is designed for) And cannot be adjusted. While the retractable banner stand can be displayed at different sizes using one stand and can adjust to the print.

Retractable banner stand signs are cheap. The 24″ x 63″ goes for under $70.00.  And the next size the 32″ x 72″ goes for under $80.00. A retractable banner stand the 33″ X 78″  with adjustable telescopic pole goes for under $135.00

The roll up banner stand signs are very popular at Las Vegas trade shows and conventions.   Because of their size and portability. They do not take up much room and when placed next to each other. They look to make a much larger design background graphic. Placing 3 of the retractable banner stands next to each other almost gives you a 10ft wide by 6  1/2 feet tall display. In addition, they are so easy to set up and they cut down on the set up costs for booths at the conventions. These upright banner stands can be used over and over again at various shows.   And can have the graphics changed out.


Banner Stands Las Vegas can be found  and purchased at local signs shops in the Las Vegas area. If ordered in advance, many times delivery can be arranged to your event facility or hotel.