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Custom Foam Board Signs For In Store Sales

Custom foam board signs are being used very successfully by Las Vegas retailers to increase their in store sales. Every time we walk into a Las Vegas gas station and pay for your purchase.  You see point of purchase advertising to entice you to spend additional money on merchandise. They are called point of purchase signs.  So they try to create impulse buying.

Custom foam board signs
Custom Poster Board signs

What are  Custom Foam Board Signs ?

Custom foam board signs are vinyl prints applied to 3/16 or 1/2 foam board. And often applied with a gloss laminates for a scratch proof finish. The foam board signs is a piece of foam that has a outer paper shell that allows for printing.  So it is considered a temporary sign and is lightweight.

Las Vegas retailers love these signs and they are very popular at grocery stores, convenience stores and gas retailers. So at every register, there are these foam core board signs that prompt you to buy their merchandise.  While you are waiting to pay for your purchase. They are very successful in this goal. So as retailers will pay a premium to be able to market their items to you in these locations.  They peddle anything from the popular drink Gatorade to M& M candy bars.

Custom foam board sign printing is also popular at the Las Vegas conventions and exhibits. They can be set up very quickly on easels. So they offer a very professional background display to help sell their wares. These custom foam core board signs are not expensive. So a  3/16 board selling at around $6.00 to $9.00 a square foot and the 1/2 ” thick foam core board signs selling for $9.00 a square foot and up.


Custom foam core signs can be bought at you favorite sign shops in Las Vegas or online to help you improve your in store sales.  Your local Las Vegas sign shops can help with the designing of these poster foam signs. The poster signs come in many different sizes to meet your marketing expectations.