Backdrop Banners For Your Special Event

Large Format Printed Step and Repeat Banner Signs in Vegas

Large format printed step and repeat banner signs are used at the many conventions and trade shows in Las Vegas. In addition, many movie premieres use these large step and repeat banners as backdrops. So as for the movie stars to have their picture taken against.

Large format printed step and repeat banner signs are large banners printed on fabric or vinyl banner material. That have a logo or picture repeatedly printed on the material in a stagger fashion. This means that from whatever view someone is looking at or taking a picture. The logos or pictures in the background will appear to help promote a company or cause. Many alcohol companies or related companies will donate a step and repeat banners. So that they can get their company logo or name on the banner. In fact, they will also pay money for this to happen. Simply put, it is a great marketing scheme to get attention drawn to your company name.

Large Format Printed Step and Repeat Banner Signs
Step and Repeat Banners

Are Large Format Printed Step and Repeat Banner Signs Expensive ?

Large step and repeat banners are not expensive and a cheap way to advertise. The cost of a large banner is about $3.00 a square foot for a banner printed on vinyl banner and about $5.00 a square foot for a fabric banner. Many people prefer the more expensive fabric material because it is wrinkle free. However, it is also more vulnerable to damage because it is delicate and made of polyester material. Both these banner material can be printed in full color and have logos, pictures, text printed on them at no additional cost. Pole pockets can be made for the top and bottom so that they can be displayed by slipping a pole through the pole pocket.

Use a 5 star rated Yelp Sign store like Posterhead Signs and see how they can help you with your large format printed signs and banners.