backdrop step and repeat banner printer

Fast Step Repeat Banner Signs in Vegas

Fast step repeat banner signs in Vegas are sometimes needed for the many events and shows that are held annually in Las Vegas. With so many functions taking place in Las Vegas.  Backdrop banners or step and repeat banners often get damaged or simply forgotten back home. What do you do ? You planned on taking pictures with your clients against the step and repeat banner and you need to replace it in a hurry. Fortunately, there are sign stores in Las Vegas that can assist you in getting that backdrop banner made quickly.

Fast step repeat banner signs
 step repeat banners

What Are Fast step repeat banner signs ?

Step and repeat banners are backdrop banners where a logo or name is alternately placed on the banner in a sequential pattern.  So as from no matter what angle you are looking at the step and repeat banner.  The logo or names can be seen in the background. These types of signs are extremely popular at Hollywood California events like the Academy Awards, Golden Globes and others.  Because stars and important people pose in front of these step and repeat signs.  And there pictures are taken against them and in the background. So you can always see the sponsor’s name.  So the large banners can also be printed on fabric. Fabric banners are gaining in popularity as they are wrinkle free.

Local night clubs in Las Vegas are using this same strategy by having a step and repeat banner at their club and allowing tourists to take their pictures against it. When the tourists go back home and show their friends the pictures, the night club’s name can be seen in the background and it serves as a form of advertising for the night club.

Fast step repeat banner signs are printed with large format printers in a matte finish.  So that there is no glare from camera flashes or lighting on the picture.  Las Vegas step and repeat banners can be purchased and designed at local sign stores in the Las Vegas area. Contact a sign shop today and learn more about these large Vegas banners.