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Trade Show Poster Signs

Trade show poster signs are just one type of popular signage used at Las Vegas events. The vendors and businesses showcasing their product lines at these events like these custom poster signs. As they are a great way to display your products and services. The sign posters are inexpensive and can be custom made to any size you like. So at the end of an event, you can simply throw them away and have new ones made for your next show.

The businesses come by the thousands to Las Vegas for the trade shows and conventions. According to Live Talent, Las Vegas is the number one destination for trade shows. People from all over the world attend these events. The biggest companies in the world show case their product lines to interested parties and to other businesses. They are wonderful opportunities to talk to people in your industry.

Trade Show Poster Signs
Tradeshow Poster Signage

Many Trade Show Poster Signs and Other Types Of Signs Are Needed.

Poster signage is just one type of sign that is used. Poster board signs, also known as foam board signs, are also popular. The businesses will display these poster board signs from walls or hang them from ceilings. So these poster signs can also be displayed on easels on top of convention tables.

Custom trade show table cloth signage can also be used to cover the standard 6ft or 8ft tables. These table cloth signs just throw right over a table and are great for covering scratches and dings. The tablecloth signs will make the table look new. The signs are great for helping brand your company. The attendees at your event can identify you quickly with these table covers.

How To Design Trade Show Posters

Designing posters is easy. You just need to keep in mind who your customer is. So designing posters with the intention of informing your customers about product information is a good start. Letting customers see clear and vivid pictures of your products is paramount. So these customers will be up very close to your signs. So you need to do poster printing in high quality with the best pictures and images possible.

Using text that is simple to read helps people understand what information you are trying to convey. Adding different color text helps people read your poster signs easier. If your trade show has lots of foreigners, you might consider a bilingual poster. or perhaps a poster in a different language to be displayed next to the English text poster. So this gives you the opportunity to reach more customers.

Utilizing the correct fonts will help people understand what you are marketing. Many people have difficulty reading script fonts. As it seams today in schools they teach printing or typing instead of writing in script. So make the fonts and text simple to understand.


Many types of trade show signs can be printed and made in Las Vegas. Many of the businesses and vendors prefer to have their signs and vinyl banners made in Las Vegas. So then they simply pick them up when they arrive for their event. They do not have to worry about damaged signs or the signs not showing up on time.