Ten foot curved pop up display are the display of choice at many of the conventions and trade shows in Las Vegas. These trade show pop up displays are being placed in the rear of booths as a backdrop. So that a companies image or products can be seen in the background as their workers talk to clients. Company employees can use them as talking points. As they introduce themselves and their company to prospective clients. So these pop up displays are very popular with the three large convention venues in town. The Mandalay Bay Event Center, LVCC and Sands Exposition Center.

What Are Ten Foot Curved Pop Up Display Used For ?
Las Vegas pop up displays are based on a tube structure. That allows for a fabric polyester print to be placed over the tubes in a tight, form fitting way. Which allows for the display of a wrinkle free fabric. The fabric print is a custom print which allows for pictures, logos, and any color imaginable. To be printed on your graphic design. Best of all, these large pop up displays can be used again and again. In fact, the fabric polyester print can be printed separately. And there is no need to purchase the tube aperture. So you can save the fabric prints in case you wish to use them again.
These pop up displays comes with a carrying case which allows for easy transportation into your event venue. One person can set up the display in about ten minutes time. So this is important because many venues will force you to hire union labor if you cannot carry in your own graphics. So by carrying in your own graphics and setting them up. You will save a lot of money that can be used to improve your display.
You can also use trade show backdrop banners with an adjustable stand for your backdrop signage. So these large backdrop banners can be purchased at local Vegas sign companies and picked up locally or be delivered.