Corrugated Signs

Corrugated signs are considered a temporary sign. They have a life expectancy of about six months outdoors and much longer when used indoors. They are a favorite with politicians and with quick get rich advertisers. The coroplast signs are also called gorilla signs. A gorilla sign is a small coroplast sign that is attached to a telephone pole or power pole. They advertise things like carpet cleaning or work at home type schemes. They also are used for wanted signs. For example, a home for sale by private party or wanted to buy by private party sign. If the sign is taken down, they simply replace the sign because these are cheap signs. They do not cost a lot of money to replace.

The politicians like these coroplast signs. They place them on major streets and try to get the attention of people passing by. The coroplast signage is a full color sign. So this means you can print the politicians picture on the sign along with as many colors as you like. However, the traditional colors of politician signs are usually the patriotic red, white and blue. As for a picture, the politicians like to get their picture in front of the voting public. You would be surprised by the fact that people will vote for somebody just based on their picture. Instead of what they believe in. These Las Vegas coroplast signs can be made in any size to accommodate your marketing needs.

Corrugated Signs
Corrugated Signage

Corrugated Signs Can Be Made Fast

These Vegas cheap signs can be made fast. Local Vegas sign shops have modern coroplast printing machines capable of printing coroplast signage fast. The quality of the signs is excellent with the new era printers. So contact your local Vegas sign shops and see how these corrugated signs can help your business.