Clark County Las Vegas dust permit signs

Vegas Cheap Dust Signs

Vegas cheap dust signs are being used by home builders and construction companies in Southern Nevada. The Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability require a dust control sign on the premises of construction sites. This dust control sign and other regulations are required. The Clark County dust people also require a responsible party take a dust class from the county as well. In this class you learn the rules and regulations. Also how to keep the dust out of the air. The desert has a fine dust on the topsoil that when moved around goes into the air. So the good people at the dust department try to teach you how to limit the dust going into the air that we all breathe.

A dust control permit sign is required to be posted on job sites. The dust sign is regulated by the county and must contain certain information. The dust sign must be a minimum of 4ft x 4ft. So it must also contain certain language and text. They want the name of the project, permittee’s name and contact information. Along with other required information. The text size has to be to their standards along with the layout of the sign. The Clark County dust people are very adamant about this. And can shut down your construction site if you do not follow the rules. So they can also issue fines.

Cheap Vegas Dust Signs
Cheap Vegas Dust Sign

Cheap Vegas Dust Signs Are Cheap In Price

The going rate for a Clark County Vegas dust sign is about $125.00. It takes just a day or two to make. The sign company needs the pdf from the County with ll the dust permit information on it. So this information includes acreage, permittee name and expiration date along with other pertinent information. Just email that one page to the dust sign company and they will be more than happy to assist you.