Pull Up Retractable Banners

Pull up retractable banners are one of the most popular display graphics at Las Vegas events and shows.  Also these pull up banner stands are self standing ( require no attachment to a wall or structure) and can be set up very easily. These factors alone make them very popular at shows . But the number one reason they are so well liked is the fact that they are inexpensive.

How Expensive Are Pull Up Retractable Banners ?

Roll up retractable banners start of at less than one hundred dollars for the most popular sizes. The 33″ wide model stands about 6 1/2 ft. tall. It comes with a carrying case and is very easy to set up.  So it can be used over and over again at different shows and events. Pull up retractable banners do come in many sizes to fit most display needs.  From the 24″ wide model to about 6ft wide with varying heights.  So of course with telescopic poles.  You can adjust the height of the banner graphic on the display to that perfect height. So if your banner is 5ft wide and your graphic is 5 feet wide.  The banner stand adjusts to the size to make it look natural.

Roll up retractable banner stands are easy to set up and only take a minute or two and an be constructed by one person. These pull up stands can be used at different events. The unique feature of the x stand banner stand ( a cousin of the pull up banner stand)  allows for the graphic to be changed out easily and saved for a different location. These x stand banners take up more slightly more room than the pull up stands.

Contact a sign shop in Las Vegas to see how pull up retractable banner stands can help your display booth.  And ask about delivery of these stands to your venue for convenience. Have a Great Event !