Clark County Las Vegas dust permit signs

Wholesale Construction Dust Signs in Las Vegas

Wholesale construction dust signs can save your company money when you are building residential or commercial property in Las Vegas. The Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability requires dust permit signage on properties to identify and help people notify authorities about dust issues and concerns.

Wholesale Construction Dust Signs in Las Vegas Are Cheap

Las Vegas dust signs cost under one hundred twenty five dollars for a new aluminum dibond type sign ( outer aluminum with a filler in the middle to give it strength ). These wholesale dust permit signs come in two different sizes, the 4ft x 4ft size for projects under 10 acres and 4ft x 8ft dust sign for larger projects over 10 acres. Each sign is custom made for the construction project.  And must be displayed properly according to the rules and regulations of Clark County Dept. of Environment and Sustainability.

These dust permit signs can also be made on a wood substrate ( MDO board ) as well at an additional fee. The dust permit sign is laminated to help with the weathering of the Las Vegas desert climate and help guard against scratches and scuffs. Many  construction companies prefer the aluminum signs.  Because at many construction job sites, the dust signs get ran over or damaged.  With all the equipment being used and the aluminum allows for the sign to be straightened out and rehung.

Dust signs are easy to make and the sign store that you choose.  Will need the Dept. of Environment and Sustainability pdf.. So as to obtain the information that is needed to be placed on the sign. That information is then put into a dust sign template for your approval and review.  And then it  is just a matter of a day or two to get your dust permit sign. Your local sign shop will be able to assist you with any questions.  And will be more than happy to help your construction project go easier.