Las Vegas 18x24 coroplast signs

Cheap Coroplast Yard Signs.

Cheap coroplast yard signs are a easy and inexpensive way to advertise your name, products and services. These cheap Las Vegas signs are easy to set up and remove.  And have been proven to be quite an  effective form of advertising.

Cheap coroplast signs are also a main staple of the political scene near election time. Many politicians invest in these tried and true yard signs. So in order to get their name and political office out in front of the general public. Politicians use these signs to let people ( neighbors) know that they are being supported by people.  That live in the community.

Businesses use  coroplast signs as a way of letting people know that they are working in the area.  Many times, people in the older communities have the same type of electrical, plumbing or roofing problems. When the service community place these yard signs up at a job site.  They let other people know who and what they are.  And in particular, know what service they are supplying to their neighbors.

Are Cheap Coroplast Yard Signs Really Inexpensive ?

Cheap yard signs are very inexpensive.  For less than $10.00, you can have a one sided 18″ x 24″ coroplast yard sign and a sign stake that will allow you to advertise very cheaply.  Plumbers , roofers and others in the service community place these effective marketing signs at job sites and are getting many referral jobs from these signs.

Carpet cleaners use these cheap yard signs by placing carpet cleaning specials on them and then taping or screwing these signs into telephone poles or abandoned fences to draw attention to their specials. They place these cheap coroplast yard signs on major streets and get thousands of motorists each day  to pass by their signs.  They have found that they get a lot of business referrals off this type of cheap and effective signage.

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