Store Sign Lettering For Do It Yourselves.

Store sign lettering is not as difficult as you might imagine.  All it takes is some basic skills and common sense.  And you can do your own store signs  and save a lot of money.

All stores have a sign and when a business takes over from the previous business and changes name or products, the stores signs have to have new vinyl lettering placed on them.  While sign companies may try to get you to but a new sign or pay for fancy upgrades, the new business owner can save much money by changing out the sign lettering himself. Most stores have pylon signs that have the businesses name in vinyl lettering attached to a plastic face.  All you have to do it scrape off and remove he vinyl lettering, clean the surface and then reapply new vinyl lettering to the sign.

Store front windows are much the same as a pylon sign.  The glass has been lettered with vinyl lettering.  And all you have to do is scrape off the existing  vinyl lettering. So then clean the surface and then reapply  the new vinyl lettering to the business window.

Where Do I Get Store Sign Lettering ?

You can get your store sign letters by either using the search engine on Google or Yahoo. Or using craft stores like Michael’s Crafts, hardware stores sell generic vinyl lettering, or visiting one of the local sign shops in Las Vegas. Sign shops have the ability and custom software to design your window graphics, pylon sign letters or door graphics and then plot them out on a plotter machine. if you use a sign shop, they can make representations of how your store sign lettering will look and do a overlay on the window or business sign.

If you have to go into a business sign that is lighted up. So be very careful and know what you are doing as electrical shock and damage may occur.  In these instances, I recommend a professional for your safety.