Car Door Magnetic Signs

Las Vegas Business Car Magnets.

Las Vegas business car magnets are being used by small businesses to turn their personal vehicles into business vehicles.  By simply putting on car door magnets. Instantaneously a set of vehicle door magnets turns a vehicle into an official looking business vehicle.

What Sizes Do Las Vegas Business Car Magnets Come in ?

Las Vegas car magnet signs are a very inexpensive way to turn a personal vehicle into a official looking business vehicle. A pair of 12″ tall x 18″ wide car magnets go for around $35 a set. Slightly larger car magnets, 12″ x 24″ go for around $45 a set. It is possible to get larger magnets, but is important that when you place magnets on a vehicle that you do not put them over body lines, moldings, etc. so that wind can get between the car magnet and the vehicle. If this happens, wind will get underneath the vehicles magnets and blow off the vehicle. Also, the weight of the magnet will have an effect on the life expectancy as well because when the vehicle hits dips and bumps, that will jostle the larger car magnets.

Las Vegas car magnets are either directly printed on a .030 mil magnet or a printed on a vinyl application.  And then applied to a magnet. These Las Vegas business car magnets can be full color. So meaning you can have as many colors on the magnets ( as well as photos and pictures) as you want.

Many businessman prefer to have temporary car magnets on their personal vehicles.  Because they may not always want people to know what they do for a living or information about themselves. These vehicle magnets offer a safe and effective way to advertise your business.  But also maintain privacy as well.

Vehicle car magnets can be purchased at your local sign shops or even online and offer a very effective form of low cost advertising.