Las Vegas USDOT stickers and lettering

Las Vegas US DOT Stickers and Lettering 2023

Las Vegas US DOT stickers and lettering 2023 are required by certain government agencies for the commercial trucking business. So commercial trucks are required to be compliant with the Department of Transportation rules and regulations. Or be subject to fines and being shut down. Las Vegas US DOT sticker and lettering are required to be certain sizes and be in a easily readable font. This basically equates to a 2″ letter at 50 feet. A 2″ letter is clearly visible at this distance. It meets the requirement of the Dept. of Transportation.

Las Vegas US DOT Stickers and Lettering 2023
Las Vegas US DOT Sticker

Where to Buy Las Vegas US DOT stickers and Lettering 2023 ?

Las Vegas US DOT sticker and lettering are made by local sign shops in Las Vegas. They are made at very reasonable prices. So the US DOT numbers are plotted out on a vinyl color of your choice.  But you want to pick a color of vinyl that is opposite of your truck. For example, if you have a dark truck, you might consider having your numbers in white so that they can easily be seen. If you have a white or yellow truck, perhaps black or red lettering would be easy numbers to see. So remember, its the Transportation Official who will be Judging you ! I have heard horror stories of truckers being harassed for the simplest of things. So why rock the boat on DOT numbers ?The old saying is ” To Get Along- Go Along”. Get Las Vegas US DOT sticker that are clearly visible at 50ft.

Las Vegas US DOT Sticker usually have ICC and Motor Carrier numbers as well. In most cases, the trucker simply adds his name to the first line of numbers. And then 3 lines of additional numbers and maybe a telephone or website if he is trying to solicit business. These DOT numbers required by the Dept. of Transportation. Can be found and purchased at sign stores at low prices. So these stickers can be made quickly, often the same day. Your numbers can be placed on your truck for you. Or you can place the numbers yourself. There are many self help You Tube videos showing you how to install stickers on the internet.