Store Window Glass Signage For Advertisment

Store window glass signage for advertisement is a cost effective marketing method for getting advertisement in front of the public at a low cost. Placing advertisement on your windows is cheap and can be performed by the sole proprietor in order to save money. After all, not all businesses have the same start up capital, but getting your business name know is very important. Store window glass signage is a cheap and easy and can be changed out frequently in order to update your products and services.

Store window glass signage can be as simple as vinyl lettering on your windows letting people know your company name and contact information. From there, many stores will start to list the services or products they offer on the windows so that the lettering can be seen by people walking into the store and by people passing by. This vinyl lettering signage is really cheap and effective in a low cost advertising campaign. For example, just simple white vinyl lettering with your company name, hours of operation and telephone number only costs around $25.00 at a local sign store.  Placing additional vinyl lettering on your windows with product specials, list of services, etc. is also not very expensive and can be installed by the customer, since it is not very difficult to install. Store window glass signage can also include custom printed vinyl stickers in bright colors and window perforation, a specialty film that allows for the people on the inside of the store to be able to look outside unobstructed, while the people / customers on the outside of the store only get to see what you printed on your advertisement. This type of specialty film costs around $3.50 a square foot to print and can be installed by the customer, as it is much like installing window tint or wallpaper.